Transformer Modules

SeSSIon 5 | eYe contAct Learning Objective: To connect on a basic level with the guests. To understand one of the key fundamentals in connecting with strangers: eye contact.

Set uP 10 min Indoor Team

SeSSIon BrIeFInG To Do: Tell the participants to stand in a circle. Each person in the circle makes eye contact with another person across the circle. After the eye contact has been made, and a connection through eye contact has occurred, the 2 walk across the circle and exchange positions (while maintaining eye contact). Many pairs can exchange positions at the same time.

Transformer note: Make sure that everyone is included in the connect- ing exercise (make everyone feel welcome).

To Do: Begin this exercise in silence, then naturally transition into authentic connections between people in the circle.

Ask: What does this exercise tell us about connecting? Are we able to easily connect with someone and make him or her feel welcome?

Ask: How did you feel when there was a lack of eye contact?

tAKe-AWAYS • Eye contact can be made at any distance with any guest. • Eye contact is one of the first ways to connect to a guest. • The smallest things can make the guest feel welcome and can connect you to the guest.



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01-05-16 23:30

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