SeSSIon 10 | mInd-Set, mAKe tHem HAPPY Learning Objective: Explain the “key ingredients” to being happy and making others happy and understand how this links to being genuine with the guests and the experiences our guests have.
tAKe-AWAYS • A good feeling by making someone happy. • A good feeling by being made happy.
SuStAInInG About 6 weeks after this session:
Set uP 10 min Indoor Team
Send participants a reminder about ‘ make them happy (Did you make someone happy today?) See the communication calendar for further explanation.
Video/ Sheets of paper for each Ambassador Crayons or pencils (color)
Say: Let me show you a video. ( Coca-Cola happiness ma- chine) Ask: What does this video show us? How does this make you feel about Coca-Cola? Right, it makes you feel happy! This session is about how we can make each other and our guests happy (without Coca-Cola ;-)). Sit: in a circle. One Ambassador starts asking the person on his/her right side ‘What makes you happy?’ This person answers and asks the same question to the person on his/her right hand side. Continue until everyone has said what makes him happy. Facilitate a brief discussion on ‘being happy’ Having heard everyone’s story, what do you notice? What seem to be key ingredients to making someone feel happy?
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01-05-16 23:30
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