Transformer Modules

SeSSIon 2 | BondInG, PArt 2 Learning Objective: Understand that bonding with guests is being generous to them, as you give them something extra – YOU!

Set uP 10 min Indoor

Team 7 - 12 pax

mAterIAlS Experience examples from session 1 (to be brought by Ambassadors) SeSSIon BrIeFInG Say: That you hope that they all brought some great examples of how they bonded with guests by really showing their personality. Activity (7 min): Split the group in subgroups of 3 people. Have them discuss amongst themselves what they experienced when trying to bond with their guests, what great examples they have. Also ask them how they can help each other in the future to continue this personal approach with guests.

Debrief (2 min): By asking each subgroup for 1 example and on how they are going to help each other to continue this great behavior.

tAKe-AWAYS • Do not be afraid to show your personality; it makes it special for guests and it feels generous for them. • When you open yourself for guests, they will open up for you; this gives you insight in how you can give them even more personalized service. • It makes it easier to continue great behavior when you are stimulated (ongoing) by your colleague Ambassadors.



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01-05-16 23:31

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