SeSSIon 3 | comPlImentInG Learning Objective: Practice giving compliments to others and experience how it does not take much to surprise somebody else.
tAKe-AWAYS • Good spirits because of giving compliments • Experience of possibly stepping out of your comfort zone and being successful
Set uP 10 min Indoor
SuStAInInG Approximately 6 weeks after this session: Send participants a reminder about giving compliments. See communication calendar for more details.
Team 7 - 12 pax
SeSSIon BrIeFInG Say: Giving and receiving compliments creates the happiness hormone! The same one you experience while eating chocolate! We tend to focus on what is wrong or could be done better, so we have to put extra effort into catching the other one doing something right or showing pleasant behavior!
Ask: Ambassadors what is needed in order to give compliments. Aim for ‘good observation skills’
Explain: This session is going to take place outside this meeting room. Ask: Ambassadors to go out (in the hotel, on the street, in a shopping center; whatever location is close by) and give compliments. At least 1… to whomever they run into. Maybe there is this little girl who has a beautiful pink dress, or a nice lady helping someone. You might run into this gentleman with very cool shoes or hear someone say something nice. Ask: Ambassadors to come back in 10 minutes. Share experiences and encourage Ambassadors to give as many compliments as possible to guests and fellow Ambassadors.
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01-05-16 23:31
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