Transformer Modules

SeSSIon 4 | rAndom ActS oF KIndneSS

Possible answer: Random acts of kindness are means by which we de- liberately attempt to brighten our guests’ (and/or our colleagues’) day by doing something thoughtful, generous and or nice for them. Gener- osity is a way of showing others that they count. The nice thing is that you don’t need to wait for someone else to instigate a celebration to practice this. You can put it into play any time you like! Ask: Who has an example of a random act of kindness that you’ve re- ceived or maybe given to someone? (Let the group share a few exam- ples) Say: I would like to show you a selection of some YouTube movies. YouTube is absolutely filled with all sorts of acts of kindness, which is amazing. We are going to watch a few to inspire you and to get you on the right track. Note to Transformer: go to this link and select a few of the best movies to show (no more than 2-5 minutes) 8EPc#t=83 Say: We are going to practice this right now! By thinking about what Random acts of Kindness you can do to make things memorable, and as a result of that: make your guest (internal and external) feel inspired. Underline that colleagues can also be internal guests or clients ;-) Explain: Firstly you will form pairs. Then together, come up with ideas on how you can show your generosity towards guests. You have 5 min- utes to write down all the Random acts of Kindness on the flip chart.

Learning Objective: infect each other with generous acts of kindness, get new ideas on how to act generously, help fellow Ambassadors to become even more generous

Set uP 10 min Indoor

Team 7-12 pax


Video/ Markers Post-its

Flip chart

SeSSIon BrIeFInG Say: In our busy world of today, with everything and everyone zoom- ing by (glued to their devices), how do you make it memorable while being personal and generous at the same time? Explain: With email, phone, video conferencing and text messages, it might seem hard to keep the generous touch. But it’s not! This session is all about finding ways to still use that technology (or the good old pen and paper) and to seek out genuine and personal connection with someone, including our guests. We will look at ways we can make it memorable and make our guests feel alive. Ask: Who knows the expression: Random Acts of Kindness? And what does it mean?

Explain: Thank you all for sharing ideas!



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01-05-16 23:31

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