SeSSIon 12 | SuPercAlIFrAGIlIStIceXPIAlIdocIouS Learning Objective: Being indulgent by adapting your vocabulary to the guest and using different language again and again to remain surprising.
Transformer note: Explanation about session title: Supercalifragilistic- expialidocious is from the famous ‘Mary Poppins’ musical. The roots of the word have been defined as follows: super- “above”, cali- “beauty”, fragilistic- “delicate”, expiali- “to atone”, and -docious “educable”, with the sum of these parts signifying roughly “Atoning for educability through delicate beauty.” According to the film, it is defined as “some- thing to say when you have nothing to say”. (Wikipedia) Debrief: Why should you want to come up with descriptive words and alternatives, and use them in your conversation? How can you trigger yourself to do it more? tAKe-AWAYS • Using different, positive, energetic words to describe our hotel outlets and facilities to guests makes them more special for guests; Guest are more intrigued and stimulated to use everything our hotel has to offer
Set uP
10 min (might take a little longer…) Indoor Team 7-12 pax
mAterIAlS Sofitel Service Culture & Experience Guide Flip chart Markers Bal
SeSSIon BrIeFInG Say: In our Sofitel Service Culture & Experience Guide, we can read the following examples of our desired behavior with guests: • You are pro-active and offer help or service, you pamper guests without this being over exaggerated; remember it’s in the little things. • You are indulgent in the little things you do. Activity: Stand in a circle. You are going to come up with descriptive words / superlatives related to anything in this Sofitel Hotel, going through all letters of the alphabet. Someone starts with the letter a, saying - for instance - Accor Awesomeness, and throws the ball to someone else in the circle. The one catching the ball has to come up with a new word, starting with a B, for instance Breath-taking view from the rooftop.
SuStAInInG Approximately 6 weeks after this session:
Send participants a reminder about ‘Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious’. (How are you doing in using descriptive and indulgent language in your conversations with guests?
See communication calendar for more details.
PS-Accor-Sofitel-TM-V6.indd 87
01-05-16 23:31
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