Transformer Modules

SeSSIon 2 | trAItS & cHArActerIStIcS oF cAre At SoFItel Learning Objective: Understand why Caring about each other contributes to supporting what Sofitel stands for.

Debrief: all 5 flip charts (potential answers): Excellence: We want the best for our guests. When we talk with guests, we always try to find out what else we can do to make their stay per- fect. We can do that by changing the way we ask questions; Instead of asking ‘Is there anything else I can do for you?’ we could say ‘What can I do for you that would make your stay (even) more magnifique?’ You will experience a different reaction from the guest because you have asked your question in a different and surprising manner. Elegance: I make sure I always look my best (elegant) and I give compliments to guests and/or colleague ambassadors when they look pretty/smart/elegant. (Ask yourself honestly (!) how often have you given a compliment to a guest and/or colleague ambassadors?) Open mindedness: a) I care about different people with different cultures and backgrounds. b) I understand guests are not always in the same time zone as I am (guests just checking in after long distance flight) and I offer to serve breakfast even though it is evening. Joie de vivre: I share a personal experience that made me happy, with my guests and/or colleague ambassadors. Showing my happiness to other people is often contagious. Generosity: When I notice that the guest used the entire flacon of body lotion, I put a few extra in his/her bathroom. moment and show real care. tAKe-AWAYS • I am attentive towards guests and colleagues; I ask questions, I lead by example, I keep in mind what Sofitel stands for and how I can contribute to that

Set uP

10 min (might take a little longer…) Indoor Team 7-12 pax

mAterIAlS Markers

5 flip chart papers spread around the room with Excellence, Elegance, Open mindedness, Joie de vivre and Generosity being a title per flip chart SeSSIon BrIeFInG Say: Our optimal Ambassador behavior is ‘I Care’. We do that because we want to make our guests feel special and valued. At Sofitel, we stand for: Excellence, Elegance, Open mindedness, Joie de vivre and Generosity.

Do: Split the group into 5 small teams. Each team has to work at 1 flip chart. At the end, debrief all answers on all 5 flip charts.

Ask: each team to go to 1 flip chart and write down how they see ‘we care about each other at Sofitel’ with regard to the title on their flip chart



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01-05-16 23:31

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