PEG Magazine - Summer 2015


In my past, I’ve volunteered for Edmonton Meals on Wheels, Habitat for Humanity and the Edmonton Food Bank. I found this to be immensely rewarding. Meeting new people while supporting a worthy cause energizes me. What I can offer these organizations is simple — a bit of my time, knowledge, and skill. The PEG: Is there anything you want to say that we haven’t mentioned? CP This spring, I was honoured to accept two awards on behalf of APEGA and Professional Engineers in Alberta. In March, the Alberta Council of Technologies presented its first Innovation Award to all Alberta Professional Engineers for the significant contributions that professionals give to Alberta each and every day. And in May, the Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists presented APEGA its prestigious Partner Tracks Award, recognizing APEGA’s role in regulating geoscientists, and ensuring they are legally and ethically committed to applying and maintaining their knowledge. This is a partnership that benefits all Albertans, one that has lasted for almost a century, and it is the basis for the CSPG award to APEGA. Also, I’ve had the privilege of attend- ing many AGMs for other societies and professions. I’m always impressed by their commitment to the public interest. Some of them have also called out APEGA as a model to aspire to. Two other organizations I would like to mention are Engineers Canada and Geoscientists Canada. Both of these organizations represent the national faces of our professions. As APEGA President, I’ve had the honour of attending some of their events and business activities. I’m in awe at these sessions. It is amazing to me to see how these individuals represent the vast knowledge and expertise that changes not only our province, but also our country and the world. Serving APEGA Members and Albertans as the President of APEGA is the greatest honour and privilege of my career so far. I can’t imagine what would top it. Thank you!

‘Members have a role in regulating the professions. They are not only responsible for themselves; they should also offer peer support when challenges arise’

14 | PEG SUMMER 2015

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