PEG Magazine - Summer 2015

Readers’ Forum



which allows cyclical flow patterns to occur. Better beam strength, too. Harald Witzler, P.Eng., of Sherwood Park, cites ease of service and reliability of the one-piece wheel sets. However, a big extra stock of wheel sets is needed, since if one wheel bearing goes, both wheels must be replaced. To achieve the same lateral strength that two-wheel sets have, one could mount long-stemmed, single-wheel axles two together on one side of the bogey, and two apart on the other side, which would let every wheel turn at its own rotational speed. Better traction over muskeg based tracks, too. Managers of the rail line to Churchill, Man., recently refused to carry crude oil. They chose grain as a cargo. It was easier to clean up after a wheat spill. Calgary’s Jason Arnot, P.Eng., is not concerned about a high centre of gravity and cites the use of double-stack container trains. Tipping stability of tank cars carrying dilbit and heavy oils is of major concern to shippers. It seems as dangerous as pipeline breaks. Tank cars have a fulcrum base much narrower than the track gage. It is really the width of the vertical bearing which allows the wheel carriage to swivel on turns. What about my offhand remark about swaybacked older tank cars? I meant sagging by stress creep of the unsupported long tanks. The Transportation Safety Board of Canada also wants thicker steel specified for tank cars as quickly as possible. And Mr. Arnot’s point about the higher cost of better train speed does not factor into oil market urgency. Canada is a huge country, and good train transport policies can help us prosper.

Recent earthquakes in Nepal have left a trail of devastation, with 15,000 schools out of action. Among these is Shree Mangal Dvip Boarding School, serving impoverished Himalayan families. There had been little earthquake awareness at the school until the Canadian resident director was contacted about the need for strengthening buildings and training children and staff. Of the five school buildings, the four-storey dormitory building was selected for a retrofit due to its physical characteristics and the vulnerability of the several hundred children crammed within its walls. During 2006 several Stantec engineers volunteered design time, producing detailed plans under the guidance of Antoni Kowalczewski, P.Eng., of Janto Engineering Inc. Funds were raised by individual donations and in 2007 a first phase was carried out, strengthening the stairwell and replacing with reinforced concrete the weak brick infill between columns on the ground floor. Of the five buildings, three were badly damaged in the recent earthquakes, but there is no cracking of the dormitory, which had the potential of going down like a deck of cards. There is now an urgent need for an assessment of the buildings and it is hoped that a volunteer can travel to Nepal and spend time at the school doing this. We are looking for help in any way, including technical input and, of course, direct donations through a Canadian or U.S. charity serving the school. Please note that students and staff have been able to assist local residents and also to send aid to remote villages. For more information, please contact me at 780-504-1055 or

HENRY A. SPENCER, P.ENG. Life Member Edmonton

ANDREW MITCHELL, P.ENG. Life Member Edmonton

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