PEG Magazine - Summer 2015

Movers & Shakers


Movers & Shakers


technical and historical knowledge of the oil and gas industry. Ms. Gee is currently interning at Encana Corporation in operations, production, and completions engineering. Mr. Bowie worked in exploitation engineering at ARC Resources Ltd. , and Mr. Nunez finished a 16-month stint with Cenovus Energy Inc. in production and process engineering. Mr. Letendre worked at MAN Diesel in gas turbine engineering and at Turbo in Switzerland. All members of the team are active in extracurricular and volunteer roles. Ms. Gee is President of PES this year, Mr. Letendre has a council position, and Mr. Nunez is Vice-President of Marketing and Growth. Mr. Letendre was also the President of the U of C’s Chemical Engineering Student Society (CESS), for which Mr. Bowie also held council positions. It’s easy to see how the students crossed paths to form their team. They will be studying hard this summer to compete at the finals in Houston in September, and they look forward to continuing their success.


Name the main stationary and moving parts of a progressive cavity pump. Can you do it? A team from the University of Calgary did (the answer is stator and rotor) and their expertise secured them a first-place win at the Society of Petro- leum Engineers North American Regional Petrobowl Qualifiers. APEGA university student members Jennifer Gee, Julian Nunez , and Keith Letendre , and fellow classmate Jordan Bowie, travelled to Norman, Oklahoma, in February, where they were pitted against 20 of the top petroleum engineering universities from across North America. The Petroleum and Energy Society (PES) on the U of C campus has been sending teams to the Petrobowl for the past seven years. With limited time to prepare, the team considered itself underdogs going into the competition. But the students’ work experience — gained through oil and gas internships — combined with their academic knowledge and technical insight, helped them gain a competitive edge. This is the first year a Schulich team has won, and it's the only Canadian team going to the Petrobowl championship finals in September. The competition was a one-day event and followed a single-elimination process. Players buzzed in, Jeopardy- style, to answer questions covering

engineering and math (STEM) to young women, and is involved in various forms of mentorship. She was recently honoured with two awards for her efforts: the Stars of Alberta Volunteer Award and the Alberta Women’s Science Network (AWSN) Minerva Mentoring Award for Women in Science and Innovation.


You could not out-volunteer Ingrid Pederson, P.Eng. , even if you tried. The Women in Scholarship, Engineering, Science & Technology (WISEST) board member and APEGA outreach volunteer gives her time to promote science, technology,

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