PEG Magazine - Summer 2015


Legislative Renewal Gains Momentum Consultation is underway, and APEGA is seeking feedback on proposed changes to membership categories, delegation of authority, and Alberta Building Code exemptions. Are you taking part in this reimagining of the Engineering and Geoscience Professions Act ?

“We’re faced with some rather serious questions that weren’t in play the last time the Act was amended — the growth of multi-national companies, for example, and the outsourcing of engineering and geoscience projects overseas. There’s also been a rather dramatic change in public expectations,” notes Mr. Benz, an engineering consultant from Stony Plain, just west of Edmonton. “We have to recognize the world is changing and we need to change with it.” The collaborative is made up of volunteers from across the province. Champions are engaging APEGA Members and Permit Holders in the legislative renewal process, gathering their input on key issues. Input is also being gathered from other stakeholders, including the Association of Science and Engineering Technology Professionals of Alberta (ASET), the provincial government, regulators in Canada that license Professional Engineers and Geoscientists in other provinces, and other Alberta, self-governing professions. CONSULTATIONS: ROUND ONE Stakeholders are being asked to provide insight and support on proposed changes relating to the Member categories of: • Member-in-Training (M.I.T.) • Licensee • Professional Licensee (P.L.) • Student APEGA’s review team is also looking at: • Authority to delegate • Alberta Building Code exemptions

In 1981, Prince Charles and Lady Di were married, MTV was launched, and IBM introduced its first personal computer. It’s also the last time the Engineering and Geoscience Professions Act (EGP Act) had a major update. A lot has changed in 30-plus years. To ensure that the EGP Act reflects today’s business practices and continues to protect the public interest, APEGA is undertaking a comprehensive, four-year review of the legislation. Developing a simpler, more robust, and more modern Act to regulate the Engineering and Geoscience Professions is a key priority in our strategic plan. Feedback from stakeholders is an essential part of the process. Consultations began in April, with professional development sessions at APEGA’s annual conference. Throughout May and June, APEGA and the Branches have held sessions in a number of communities around Alberta. “This is a critical moment in APEGA’s history, as we move into the 21st century,” says Victor Benz, P.Eng. He’s one of about 40 Professional Engineers and Geoscientists who make up the champions collaborative. FEEDBACK AS IT HAPPENS Ken Nnamoko, P.Eng., (centre) and Angelina Bakshi, P.Eng., share their thoughts on the legislative review with APEGA’s CEO Mark Flint, P.Eng., at a spring consultation session in Edmonton. -photo by Corinne Lutter


STAY INFORMED, PROVIDE INPUT • Review discussion papers on the website.

• Attend APEGA Branch or Permit Holder events and webinars, or meet with the champions collaborative Members face-to-face. Watch for more information about these events through your electronic Branch News, the e-PEG, and the e-PEG Extra. • Send comments or questions to

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