PEG Magazine - Summer 2015




3. NOTEWORTHY: Shannon Peddlesden, E.I.T., takes advantage of the strategic planning stream of APEGA’s professional development program at Summit 2015. Professional development sessions attracted about 250 registrants in six streams. 4. SUMMIT IN SILHOUETTE: Award in hand, Ms. Parenteau awaits the next Summit Award recipient. Nine awards were presented during the gala. 5. ON BONES, FINGERS, REPTILES: Wayne Haglund, PhD, professor emeritus at Mount Royal University, compares the bones of critters to those of his own fingers. At a conference luncheon, Dr. Haglund spoke about Calgary’s largest exhibit celebrating extinct marine reptiles. APEGA sponsorship made the university display of casts possible — a project Dr. Haglund championed. 6. A FAREWELL TO GREENPEACE: Patrick Moore, PhD, speaks about why he left Greenpeace, an environmental organization he once led as president. His decision is also the subject of his book Confessions of a Greenpeace Dropout . Dr. Moore was the speaker at this year’s AGM luncheon. 7. ART, ARTIST, APEGA APPLICANT: Tamar Bourne, who is applying for APEGA professional membership, poses beside one of two of her works displayed in the annual Summit Awards Art Show. About 30 artists took part. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE ››

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