Gems Publishing - January 2019

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less than 20 cents each! Watch the video in order to learn how Dr. Phelps applies many of Dr. Cialdini’s principles of persuasion including, at the end, his slam-dunk referral boosting strategy. site map AUDIO/VIDEO PROGRAMS Retreat Presentations Cialdini’s Principles in Your Practice - Dr. Chris Phelps. There may be no greater referral strategy than what’s outlined in this video! We developed a “New Patient Referral Gift Bag” using our Gems coffee mugs, three local business gift cards for $10–$15 (the ones that cost us under 20 cents), a toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, etc. — plus a $100 gift card off any treatment or service in our practice for the friend, relative, or coworker they refer. I show the patient the beautiful gift bag, then I ask the patient who they would like to refer. I write the name of the patient with whom I’m speaking on the gift card (so we can track and thank the referrer!) When the gift bag is complete, I tell them to give it to a friend, family member, or coworker they think could use it. There’s a 30-day expiration date to the $100 gift card, but there’s also the opportunity

for the patient to receive their own discount. That’s where part two of Cialdini’s principles comes in.

Commitment and consistency are crucial to making a tactic like this work. As I’m walking the patient out with their gift bag, I make a public declaration. I’ll tell my office manager, “I’m seeing (patient name) in six months and giving them this gift bag to pass on to (referral target name).” That’s when I tell the patient that if the referral target comes into the practice, they’ll receive $100 off too. A public proclamation creates a sense of commitment from the patient, making them more likely to follow through. A strategy like this has a lot of moving parts. I strongly recommend you watch Dr. Phelps' video. Then, if you still have questions, reach out to your Gems Concierge to speak with your coach on how to take maximum advantage of this Gem. We spend about $5 per gift bag, and if you factor in that the average lifetime value of a patient is $4,800 over six years, the return on investment is a windfall! Call us today to get your 2019 marketing calendar lined out to turn strategies like these into a reality for your patients.

An Email Marketing and Automation System That Works! How to Reach Patients & Prospects with Emails they ll Open ( and Read )! '


Picture this: You just arrived to work after a busy but enjoyable weekend. You sit down at your desk, log on to your computer, and open your email. Then, bam! Your email inbox hits you like a brick wall. Amidst the unending list of promo offers, surveys, and spam, you struggle to separate the necessary information from the pile of cybertrash. The monotony that stems from an inbox chock-full of identical, run-of-the-mill emails often leads to mass deletion, leaving patients unaware of pertinent information companies need to share with them. For this reason, a lot of businesses have opted to use AWeber to better communicate with their clientele. AWeber is an email marketing and automation platform built for time-strapped content creators, small business owners, and entrepreneurs to help them grow their audience and readership. AWeber offers their clients some powerful features.

AWeber will help you create awesome emails by letting you choose from the perfect HTML templates to match your practice brand according to color scheme, layouts, designs, and more. In addition to overall aesthetic, AWeber’s automated system features a drag-and- drop editor, which allows you to click content elements from an easy- to-use toolbar, drag them into your email message, customize them, and then send away. AWeber also helps you analyze your marketing success through deliverability rates and tracking systems. The tracking systems will help you segment your email list based on how your readers engaged with your material. Through an easy-to-read mobile dashboard, you can see which subscribers clicked on what content, and then you can take those statistics and generate new emails tailored to patients’ likes and dislikes. This information will help you track your emails’ revenue and drive traffic to your website. Through these features and many more, AWeber can help you and your practice grow. Type into your search bar to start your free 30-day trial and let AWeber help you craft good- looking emails that get real results! PROGRESS TRACKERS


If you already have a large email list, moving your patients and prospects to AWeber is easy. Then, using their form generator, you can create simple yet powerful sign-up or opt-in forms for any new patients. You can also create custom fields to learn more about your prospective patients and even use forms to tag and segment prospects to deliver targeted automated email campaigns.

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