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Le canton d’Alfred-Plantagenet a approuvé le budget municipal 2024 lors d’une séance spéciale tenue l’après-midi du 18 décembre. Le budget de 17,6 millions de dollars comprend une augmentation de 3,8 % de l’impôt foncier. — photo Gregg Chamberlain


8BMLFSOPUFEUIBUTPNFTPDJBMTFSWJDF BHFODJFT MJLF.BJTPO*OUFSMVEF)PVTF  struggle to get funding from senior levels of government to maintain their programs. He compared the way that Ontario police forces deal with situations involving people with social or mental health problems with the actions of law enforcement agencies in QSPWJODFTMJLF/FX#SVOTXJDL i5IFZ /FX#SVOTXJDLQPMJDF BSFBMJUUMF CJUBIFBEXJUIUIFJSQPMJDJOHQPMJDJFT u8BMLFS said. The final budget approved for 2024 for the township totals $17,632,665. That includes both an operations budget of about $13.2 NJMMJPOBOEBDBQJUBMXPSLTCVEHFUPGBCPVU $4.2 million. The municipal levy of property taxes for the 2024 budget is $8,700,158. That means a 3.8 per cent increase in the amount of

property taxes that the township must collect to help fund day-to-day operations and some DBQJUBMXPSLTQSPKFDUT5IFSFNBJOJOHGVOET for the budget come from senior government grants and other revenue sources. For the average homeowner with a house and land valued at $202,000, that means an increase of about $55 on the municipal portion of next year’s tax bill. The township is also responsible for collecting the property taxes for the United Counties of Prescott- Russell, all school districts operating within its area, provincial property taxes, and taxes GPSPUIFSBHFODJFTMJLFUIF4PVUI/BUJPO Conservation Authority. Chief Administrator Michel Potvin and

Treasurer Alexandre Charlebois both noted during later interviews that dealing with inflation has been the biggest challenge in planning the 2024 budget. The increased DPTUGPSOFDFTTBSZFYQFOTFT MJLFEJFTFMGPS UIFTOPXQMPXTBOEEVNQUSVDLTVTFEGPS winter road maintenance, has forced various EFQBSUNFOUTUPDVUCBDLPOPUIFSQSPKFDUT i"OEXFLOPXUIBUDJUJ[FOTJOUIFUPXOTIJQ are struggling everywhere too,” said Potvin, adding that township administration and council tried to balance the budget “as painlessly as possible” to provide services for taxpayers while avoiding an excessive tax increase.

Alfred-Plantagenet Township has its budget for next year and without a big increase in local property taxes. Council approved the 2024 budget during a special session December 18. The Monday afternoon meeting saw council approve the 2024 budget four to one in a registered vote. $PVODJMMPS *BO 8BMLFS DBTU UIF TJOHMF negative vote. He supported the budget in general but could not vote to approve it because of his disagreement with the type of policing services the township gets. “The only reason I voted against was because the police services get $1.6 mil- lion,” he said during a later interview, “and social and mental health issues are not dealt with properly by police.”


BEAU CADEAU pour les fêtes

La banque alimentaire de Hawkesbury reçoit un chèque au montant de Photo : La secrétaire de la banque alimentaire Johanne Gratton, le maire de Hawkesbury et bénévole pour la banque Robert Lefebvre, le représentant d’Exit Realty Pierre Quesnel, la conseillère et bénévole pour la banque Jeanne Charlebois ainsi que Simon Bédard d’Exit Realty. 9 286 $ de l’équipe Simon Bédard chez Exit Realty à Hawkesbury

The Hawkesbury OPP in association with the Rotary Club of Hawkesbury collected $4,000 in cash donations and an additional $1,500 in food donations for local food banks during their annual OPP Food Drive at Asselin Your Independent Grocer on November 25, 2023. Santa Claus, the OPP mascot Constable Rosie and auxiliary OPP officers were present, along with the Rotary Club of Hawkesbury. —photo provided

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