Tech Expo 2024 Brochure

Electrical & Diagnostics


ASE A6 Test Prep for Electrical and Electronic Systems 2/10/24, 8:00 am - 12:00 pm Class #113, DeVos Gallery Overlook A This workshop reviews the needs for passing the ASE A6 Electrical and Electronic Systems Test. A Garage Guru overviews general test taking procedures and guidelines. This workshop includes reviewing several ASE sample questions and the logic behind the way they were written. We provide a summary of the description and operation for the following items taken from the task list for the ASE A6 test: General Electrical / Electronic System overview, Battery and Starting System Diagnosis and Repair, Charging System Diagnosis and Repair, Lighting Systems Diagnosis and Repair, Instrument Cluster and Driver Information Systems Diagnosis and Repair, Body Electrical Systems Diagnosis and Repair Presented by: Garage Gurus | DRiV Speaker: Mark Kenyon Electrical Meters Applications and Understanding - Hands-On 2/10/24, 8:30-11:30 am Class #112, Amway Thornapple Discover the full potential of a DVOM, DMM, or whatever you call the electrical meter. If you are not sure how to read and use the full potential of electrical meters, this class will help. It is a lecture and hands-on class, so bring your multi-meter. Meters provided to the first 50 registrations and presented as a gift after completion. What we’ll cover: • Understanding meter proper hookups • Manual and auto ranging of the meter • How not to blow a meter fuse • Kilo volts, millivolts, microamps, milliamps, mega, and kilo ohms Presented by: Macomb Community College Speaker: Dan Claus

Hands-On Electrical: Part 1 2/10/24, 8:30-11:30 am Class #108, Amway Kendall Room This class is designed to enhance the technician’s ability to diagnose electrical systems. You may bring your own DVOM

(Digital Multi-Meter). If you do not bring one, we will have some available for you to use. You can attend one or both sessions. What we’ll cover: • Basic electrical diagnosis • Discuss the operations and diagnosis of relays and relay circuits • How to use a multimeter • Proper electrical probing • Hands-on testing of basic electrical systems, relay testing, and diagnosing • Voltage drop introduction • Electrical schematics (interpreting and reading) Presented by: Macomb Community College Speaker: Kurtis LaHaie


Hands-On Electrical: Part 2 2/10/24, 1:30-4:30 pm Class #208, Amway Kendall Room

This class is designed for those with an electrical background but would like a review on using a DVOM, wiring schematics, or how a relay works. This class will use simulation boards that you will build, test, and use to diagnose electrical circuits. This class will be about 80% hands-on. You can attend one or both sessions. We will diagnose the following faults: • Relay Circuits • Open Circuits • Short Circuits Presented by: Macomb Community College Speaker: Kurtis LaHaie • High resistance in a circuit • Perform voltage drop testing


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