Tech Expo 2024 Brochure

Electrical & Diagnostics

Engine Diagnostics

Modern Sensor Technology 2.0 2/10/24, 8:30-11:30 am Class #115, DeVos Gallery Overlook D

Advanced Base Engine Analysis 2/10/24, 8:30-11:30 am Class #111, Amway Pearl Room This course focuses on what can be a VERY difficult driveability or Check Engine Light diagnosis; a base engine problem. What can make base engine problems difficult to diagnose? Well for a start, there is no scan tool or scope that can tell you exactly what is wrong with an engine (for example: that the #4 cam lobe is worn, the timing belt is off ½ or 1 tooth, or that a vehicle with a misfire code failure is due to a base engine problem.) Any technician can diagnose a broken timing belt, this course focuses on the not so obvious failures. Trying to Identify engine problems by disassembly of components is not a good option for diagnosis, since it is very time consuming. This course takes your diagnostics to the next level, by expanding on the theory of engine operation. You will then use that theory to provide fast "real world" diagnosis without disassembly! From volumetric efficiency testing, compression theory, valve timing analysis to misfire diagnosis, this course will give you the tools to quickly and accurately diagnose base engine problems. This course is also excellent for the seasoned veteran, as many concepts that have applied to older engines, no longer apply to today's engines. This course covers both import and domestic engines and USES TOOLS YOU ALREADY OWN. This is NOT a pressure transducer class! Presented by: ATEC Automotive Speaker: Dave Scaler

This course provides a walkthrough of various sensor technologies. We will examine DTCs and their code, as well as set criteria in relation to various conditions through the use of multiple case studies. Presented by: NGK Speaker: Philip Austin

The ABC's of Electrical Systems 2/10/24, 8:30-11:30 am Class #126, DeVos River Overlook A

Understanding how circuits are built and components function are key in any system. This course starts right at the components, works outward from the power sources to understanding the road map traveled to and from. This course is designed to help a beginning technician navigate on their electrical diagnostic training path. Areas covered are as follows; components and their operation, batteries and operation, circuit types and the flow, reading and using a wiring diagram, and basic starter and alternator function. Presented by: BBB Industries Speaker: Michael Hall


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