Tech Expo 2024 Brochure

Hybrid Systems

BEV, HEV and 48 Volt Systems 2/10/24, 8:30-11:30 am Class #130, DeVos River Overlook E

The Introduction to BEV and HEV Service Strategies explains how these increasingly popular vehicles operate. In this course, the student will gain knowledge on the components, operating strategy and unique powertrain configurations. Students will learn to identify the components and understand the safe practices required to service these types of vehicles. Presented by: Bosch Speaker: Dieter Lorentz

Intro to Electric Vehicles 2/10/24, 1:30-4:30 pm Class #232, DeVos Gallery Overlook B

This clinic provides easy to understand information about how an actual electric vehicle works. Reducing or eliminating emissions is high priority for vehicle manufacturers. One way to achieve this goal is to increase the number of zero emission vehicles on the road. California has a zero-emission mandate and China has also adopted a version of California’s plan in its new energy mandate. BEV production numbers are on the rise and are soon going to be commonplace. The time is here to start learning about BEV’s and preparing for this fundamental shift in automotive technology. This clinic will present a solid overview of components, operation and the tooling you will need to successfully compete in the BEV market. We will discuss BEV (Battery Electric Vehicle) battery packs, invertors, converters, electric motors, normal-safe service procedures, and the various modules that control the vehicle’s electrical systems. After completing this seminar, the student will have the knowledge to: Invest wisely in the special tools required for service of BEV’s, Recognize common components shared between Hybrids and BEV’s, Identify components found only on BEV’s, Understand battery construction, cooling and testing methods, Recognize power flow through the BEV drivetrain Presented by: Garage Gurus | DRiV Speaker: Mark Kenyon


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