Tech Expo 2024 Brochure

Drivability & Diagnostics

Essential Diagnostic Techniques 2/10/24, 8:30-11:30 am Class #122, DeVos Grand Gallery D

Scan Data Diagnostics with Fuel Trim and More! 2/10/24, 1:30-4:30 pm Class #223, DeVos Grand Gallery E With the ever-expanding capabilities of scan tools, diagnosis is becoming easier if you know how to interpret data. This class will focus around fuel trim values in conjunction with other data PIDs. Many case studies will be used to illustrate points like: incorrect fuel injector flow rate, what you didn’t realize you needed to know about Ethanol, EVAP, and more. A

This is a critical thinking or logical approach class to address many of the issues that face techs every day; working on systems that are new to them or that they have little or no experience diagnosing. The course is a mix of critical thinking, theory, diagnostic testing methods, tooling, and real-world case studies. Three areas will be addressed: mechanical testing, fuel trim diagnostics, and ignition testing. Graphing scan data, archiving data and other useful diagnostic software will be discussed. Lots of real world, not-so-forward case studies will be used to illustrate these processes and techniques. Having a sound foundation of the essentials will aid techs in honing their root problem solving skills. Presented by: The Drivability Guys Speaker: Eric Ziegler Misfire Diagnostics 2/10/24, 1:30-4:30 pm Class #222, DeVos Grand Gallery D Got a pesky misfire or misfire codes that has been giving you fits? Sometimes something that is perceived to be simple can be frustrating and/or time consuming. Generally, misfires can be caused by three things: ignition, fuel, or mechanical issues. This course will investigate diagnostic techniques required to narrow the offender quickly and efficiently to one of these three possibilities. Emphasis is placed on a logical approach and effective use of appropriate testing techniques. While scan tools and scopes will be the primary focus of this class, other tools will be used as well. Real world case studies will be used to illustrate these efficient and effective diagnostic techniques. Presented by: The Drivability Guys Speaker: Eric Ziegler

variety of scan tools will be used. Presented by: The Drivability Guys Speaker: Scott Shotten

Subaru Diagnostics 101 2/10/24, 8:30-11:30 am Class #123, DeVos Grand Gallery E

Subaru’s market share has increased over the past few years. Although they do not seem to break often, Subarus are, or will be, finding their way into your shops. The beginning of this class covers some basic Subaru knowledge that will be required to diagnose engine related issues effectively. Aftermarket tooling will be used for much of the examples, but OE tooling will be used as well. The bulk of this class will cover the issues, diagnosis and repair of late model chain driven Subaru engines. This class will use many case studies to illustrate points. AVCS diagnostics and

learning values will be covered. Presented by: The Drivability Guys Speaker: Scott Shotten


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