
Real Estate Journal — August 15 - 28, 2014 — 13A


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M ultifamily F inancing

Addition of an executive VP level will help optimize management oversight Kearny Federal Savings announces new appointments F AIRFIELD, NJ — Craig Montanaro , Chief executive officer of eran of banking, Lyons is a Fairleigh Dickenson Uni- versity graduate, and busy mother of triplets. NJ Bankers Association HR Committee.

dent/controller for nearly two years. With fourteen years of banking experience, Suchodolski has spent the last nine years as a controller for both commercial and commu- nity banks. He has an MBA Degree in Finance from Fair- leigh Dickenson University. Mary Webb has been ap- pointed senior vice president/ Operations, after serving as first vice president/operations for five years. Webb has been with the Bank for 13 years, having begun with Pulaski Savings Bank as assistant vice president/controller. She

graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting from Kean University. Webb is a member of the New York/ New Jersey Chapter of the Financial Managers Society (FMS) . Kearny Federal Savings Bank, a federally-chartered stock savings bank, has sup- ported the communities it serves since 1884. The Bank has assets of $3.4 billion and operates 42 full-service banking offices in Northern and Central New Jersey and Brooklyn and Staten Island, New York. n

Timothy Swansson has been appointed senior vice president/director of IT, after serving as first vice presi- dent/director of IT for several years. Swansson worked as an IT administrator for Atlantic Technology Systems. He at- tended Curtin University of Technology in Australia and moved to the United States in 2002. Keith Suchodolski has been appointed senior vice president/controller, after serving as first vice presi-

KearnyFed- e r a l Sa v - ings Bank , recently an- nounced the promotion of 7 vice presi- dents to se- n i o r v i c e presidents as

Kimberly Manfredo has been appointed senior vice president/director of H.R/as- sistant secretary, after serv- ing as first vice president/ director of H.R./assistant secretary for several years. Manfredo has nearly 30 years of banking industry experi- ence, with the last 20 in cor- porate benefits and human resources. She is a Wood- Ridge Memorial Foundation trustee and a member of the

William Clement

a part of the bank’s expand- ed organizational structure. This announcement is in conjunction with the recent addition of an Executive VP level, which will help optimize management oversight based upon the continued growth of the company. The new Senior vice presi- dent team includes: WilliamClement has been appointed senior vice presi- dent/director of C&I lending, after joining the company ear- lier this year as first vice pres- ident/director of C&I lending to manage the bank’s growing C&I lending department. A 30 year banking industry veteran, Clement previously worked for Provident Bank as a first vice president within its Commercial Lending Di- vision. Having received his Bachelor’s Degree in Finance fromFairleigh Dickinson Uni- versity, Clement later became a graduate of the National Commercial Lending School at University of Oklahoma. He sits on the boards of the NJ Hall of Fame and the NREIC - Helpful Hands and serves in the Kinnelon Volunteer Fire Company. Linda Hanlon has been appointed senior vice presi- dent/director of retail bank- ing, after twelve years with the bank, most recently in the capacity of first vice president/ director of retail banking. Prior to joining Kearny Fed- eral, Hanlon was the VP and regional operations manager for the NY/CT area of Wacho- via Bank. She is a Park Ridge Rotary Board member, serves on the executive board of the October Woman Foundation for Breast Cancer Research and serves as secretary of the Walter D. Head Foundation. Cheryl Lyons has been appointed senior vice presi- dent/assistant secretary/loan servicing, after serving as first vice president/assistant secretary/loan servicing for several years. A 28 year vet-

Multi-Family Lending Commercial Real Estate Financing Small Business Administration Loans Kearny Federal Savings and its Division, Central Jersey Bank, provide dynamic financing for businesses of all sizes. With 42 area offices, we understand the market, opportunities and problems local business people face. Our experienced loan officers are able to make fast decisions and provide “hands-on assistance” that multi-region banks can’t match. The Local Source For Commercial Lending

1-800-273-3406 kearnyfederalsavings.com/commercialfinancing

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