Healthy Home Pacific Coast JulyAug 2017

When Weeds Invade Take Control of Your Garden

Primp Your Perennials: Your perennial trees and shrubs need a haircut, and it is best to do so before new growth appears. Your plants have weathered the winter and will need extra TLC, so be gentle with them and inspect them for damage (don’t forget to fertilize!). Love Your Lawn: Call the professionals to treat for pests and weeds as well as to thatch and aerate your lawn. Aeration will allow more water, air, and nutrients to permeate the soil, giving your lawn a nicer look. Thatching removes the dead stuff and revitalizes your grass after winter. Now is also the time to mow and edge for even more curb appeal!

You plant an amazing garden. You watch it grow and bear the literal fruits and veggies of your labor. But, you also watch the weeds grow, becoming a nuisance that never seems to go away. You may pull the weeds, till, and, in extreme situations, spray, but nothing seems to work. Well, no need to stress! Weeds are always going to invade, but there are two highly effective ways to reduce their numbers and take control of your garden! Mulch Madness Covering surface soil keeps unwanted seeds from taking hold. You can use straw, dry leaves, or dry grass clippings. The added benefit of mulch is it helps to keep the soil from quickly drying out, especially during the hot summer months. However, you’ll want to keep a close eye on soil moisture. If the soil becomes too wet around the base of a plant, the moisture may cause damage (such as mold or rot). If the soil does become too wet, simply remove the mulch and let the

soil dry out for a day or more, as necessary. Then add a fresh layer of mulch. And be sure to spread the mulch over as much of your garden as possible. Wherever there’s bare soil, there are invasive seeds waiting to germinate. Till Timing Save tilling for before planting and again after the growing season ends. When you till, unwanted seeds are mixed in the soil, where they can easily germinate. Every time you disturb the soil, either by pulling weeds, digging, or tilling, seeds always manage to find their way into the soil. This doesn’t mean you should avoid these activities; instead, only do them when it’s necessary.

Fun Word Facts

at the dollar store or thrift shop, or shop for sales at your local craft store.

“Teetertotter” is the longest word that can be made using the letters on only one row of the keyboard.

The same goes for the art held within those frames. Mix photographs, paintings, and drawings for a fluid feel. Add a mirror here and there, a handwritten letter, or a mounted statue. Chances are, you probably have plenty of materials already, but if you’re scrounging for art, try garage sales or thrift stores. After all, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure, and you never know what you might find! The end result will be a beautiful, engaging wall that makes you feel right at home. The best part? Your gallery wall can grow right along with you and your family.

A pangram sentence is one that uses every word of a language. “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” is an English pangram.

Shakespeare was the first person on record to use the words “assassination” and “bump.”

The name of each continent ends with the same letter it starts with.

The word “lethologica” describes the state of not being able to remember the word you want.

“Dreamt” is the only English word that ends in the letters “mt.”


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