Cullen Technical Guide 2025


Eurocode 5 Eurocode 5 (BS EN1995–1–1)

Load Tables BS EN1995–1–1:2004+A1:2014 (EC5) is based on limit state design. The characteristic capacity of the hanger is based on ultimate limit states and is unfactored. What does this mean for our products? Only characteristic values for each product will be published is this guide and any future guides. Timber–to–masonry products (hangers, straps and wall ties) Are tested to meet the requirements of the harmonised standard BS EN 845–1 enabling them to be CE marked. Fasteners for timber structures (nails, screws and bolts) Are tested to meet the requirements of EN14592 enabling them to be CE marked.

With BS 5268 part 2 & 3 being officially withdrawn in 2009 & 2010 the UK Trussed Rafter Association & UK Engineered Wood Products Committee have agreed that all designs will now be carried out to EC5. Eurocode 5 is the harmonised European Standard covering the design of timber structures. The purpose of the Eurocodes is to establish a common set of standards for the design of buildings across all European member states, although each member can have its own National Annex which is used in conjunction with the Eurocodes for design. Technical Approvals UK Timber–to–timber hangers (these are required to be assessed by UK notified body) With the UK having left the European Union, European Technical Assessments (ETA’s) will no longer be accepted in the UK (from 1st January 2023) with timber–to–timber hangers to meet the requirements of UK Technical Assessment document (UKAD) no.130186–00–0603 Three dimensional nailing plates, which allows the hangers to be submitted for UK Technical Assessment (UKTA) which once issued enables the products to be UKCA marked. Are tested to meet the requirements of the harmonised standard BS EN 845–1 enabling them to be UKCA marked. Fasteners for timber structures (nails, screws and bolts) Are tested to meet the requirements of BS EN14592 enabling them to be UKCA marked. EU Timber–to–timber (these are required to be assessed by European body notified body) All timber–to–timber hangers are tested to meet the requirements of European Assessment Document (EAD) no.130186–00–0603 Three dimensional nailing plates, which allows the hangers to be submitted for a European Technical Assessment (ETA) which once issued enables the products to be CE marked. Timber–to–masonry products (hangers, straps and wall ties)

The characteristic value is the lower 5th percentile value obtained from test results.

A series of modification factors must be applied to the characteristic value to determine the Design Value. Timber to Timber Connectors Design Value = (F k x K mod ) / Y m F k = Characteristic value K mod = Modification factor for duration of load and moisture content (EN1995–1–1 table 3.1) Y m = Partial factors for material properties and resistance (1.3 for connections – EN1995–1–1 table 2.3) Timber to Masonry Connectors Design Value = F k / Y m F k = Characteristic value Y m = Partial factors for material properties and resistance (1.5 for masonry – EN845–1)

Example Load Data: UH Hanger Standard Installation – I–Joist Header without Backer Block

Fixings (3.4x35mm)

Characteristic Capacity (kN)

Hanger Depth (mm)


I–Joist Header



(Depth Dependent Only)



Solid Flange

LVL Flange

195 220 235 300

8 8 8 8

2 2 2 2

2 4 4 4

3.97 3.97 3.97 3.97

11.13 11.13 11.89 11.89

12.94 12.94 11.79 11.79

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