UH (I–Joist Applications) Universal Hanger
Sacrificial Stairwell Installation
— Fill all red holes as indicated for these installations — No backer blocks required — No web stiffeners required
Face Fix Option
Top Fix Option
Load Data
Fixings (3.4 x 35mm)
Characteristic Capacity (kN)
Hanger Depth (mm)
I–Joist Header
(Depth Dependent Only)
Solid Flange
LVL Flange
195 220 235 300
8 8 8 8
2 (0**) 2 (0**) 2 (0**) 2 (0**)
2 4 4 4
1.98 3.97 3.97 3.97
7.43 7.43 7.43 7.43
7.83 7.83 7.83 7.83
**No fixings required when using snap off option. 3.5 x 30mm multi–purpose wood screws may be used as an alternative fixing for temporary supporting hanger.
Installation Instructions
Face Fix Option
Top Fix Option
Face fix to top and bottom flanges using 8No 3.5 x 30mm multi purpose wood screws or 3.4 x 35mm square twist nails. Bend tabs forward and snap off. Once ready for stairs to be installed the deck can be cut and joists/hangers removed.
Face fix to top and bottom flanges using 8No 3.5 x 30mm multi purpose wood screws or 3.4 x 35mm square twist nails. Bend top tabs over joist top flange and nail using 1No 3.4 x 35mm square twist nail per leg. Once ready for stairs to be installed the deck can be cut and joists/ hangers removed. Hanger to be rotated through 90 degrees to snap off at break line.
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Technical support 01592 771132 / technical@itwcp.com / https://www.itwcp-offsite.co.uk
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