OW–CLIP Multiple Joist Connector European Community Registered Design
The OW–Clip enables the connection of 2 ply joists allowing them to act as a single unit. Features & Benefits — One part can be used for all joist depths and widths — Flared end for ease of install — Visible connections to verify compliance
UKTA–21/0008 UKTA - 21/0008
Material Specification — Galvanised mild steel – Z275
Fixings Code
Box Qty
547389 141185
3.4 x 35mm Square Twist Nails – LOOSE 3.4 x 35mm Square Twist Nails – COLLATED*
*For use with Paslode PPNXi
In Situ
Available Sizes
2 ply Open Web Connections
Product Code OW–Clip–47
Flange Depth (F) (mm)
Dimensions (mm)
2 ply I–Joist Connections (Masonite & James Jones I–Joists)
Installation Instructions Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
Lay joist flat and mark location of OW–Clips, press clips into position. Fix clips to the face of the joist using 1No 3.4 x 35mm square twist nail per clip.
Fix clips to the top of the joist using 1No 3.4 x 35mm square twist nail per clip.
Position second ply of multiple joist on top of the OW–Clips and tap together with a hammer to ensure a tight fit.
Fix OW–Clips to top and bottom chords of the multiple joist using 2No 3.4 x 35mm square twist nails per clip, ensuring that joists are fitted tightly together.
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Technical support 01592 771132 / technical@itwcp.com / https://www.itwcp-offsite.co.uk
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