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Zenith F1 Marigold

Deep Orange MAR653

The unique Afro-French hybrid (triploid) from Floranova with more branching, more lowers, more heat tolerance and more rain tolerance. With no seed set, Zenith requires no dead heading to maintain its phenomenal lower power all Summer long.

Seed Form Seed Count

Clipped, Coated 9,200/oz - 325/g

Golden Yellow MAR651

Lemon Yellow MAR650

Orange MAR671

Garden Height Garden Spread

14” (35cm) 14” (35cm)

Flower Size

2 - 3” (6 - 8cm)

Orange & Red MAR691

Red MAR695

Red & Gold MAR652

Yellow MAR681

floranova creative plant breeding

easy grow guide triploid marigold zenith (F1 Tagetes xhybridus)

Plug Production: 288 plugs


Use a well-drained, disease-free, peat based plug medium with pH 6.0-6.2, EC <0.75mmhos. Cover seed with a thin layer of vermiculite, otherwise the seedlings will root into the vermiculite and make transplanting difficult. Keep medium uniformly moist until seedlings are hooking above the covering, media temperature should be 68-72°F (20-22°C), keep light levels <1500 f.c. Dry down slightly to avoid stretch, keep media temperature at 68-72°F (20-22°C), germination should be complete in 5-7 days. Allow media to dry further between irrigations to improve rooting and control stretch, but avoid wilting. Media temperature can be dropped to 65-68°F (18-20°C), light levels should be <3000 f.c. Fertilize with 100-150ppm N from 15-5-15, 17-5-17 or 13-2-13, keep media pH at 6.2-6.5 no lower and EC <1.5mmhos. Practice good wet/dry moisture cycle, media temperatures can be lowered to 60-65°F (15-18°C), keep light levels <3000 f.c. Fertilize with 100-150ppm N from 13-2-13 to help tone the seedlings. Growth can be controlled naturally by good moisture management. If needed, use sprays of B-Nine (1500 – 2500 ppm), A-Rest (3 – 10 ppm), Bonzi (10 – 20 ppm), or Sumagic (2 – 7 ppm) to control growth. It is best to run your own trials to avoid overdosing, as weather and cultural regimes can affect the requirements.

Germination Stage 1: (3-5 days)

Germination Stage 2:

Germination Stage 3:

Germination Stage 4:

Growth Regulators:

Growing On to Finish: Packs, 4” (10.5cm) pots


Use a well-drained, disease free, peat-based growing mix with pH 6.2-6.5, EC 1.5mmhos


Temperatures for rooting out after transplant should be 65-68°F (18-20°C). These can be lowered to 62-65°F (16-18°C) for growing on.


Light levels should be 3000 - 5000 f.c. as a guide.


Practice a good wet/dry moisture cycle, avoiding wilt.

Feed 1–2 times per week with 150 – 200 ppm N from 15-5-15, 17-5-17, or 13-2-13. Keep media pH 6.2 – 6.5, and media EC 1.5 – 1.75 mmhos. Growth can be controlled naturally by good moisture management. Use sprays of B-Nine (2500 – 5000 ppm), Bonzi (15 – 30 ppm), or Sumagic (5 – 10 ppm) as needed. Drench with Bonzi (2 – 5 ppm) or Sumagic (1 – 2 ppm) when plants are up to size and flowering. It is best to run your own trials to avoid overdosing, as weather and cultural regimes can affect the requirements


Growth Regulators:


Aphids, Whitefly, Thrips, Spider mite, Leafminer

Pythium, Botrytis, Leafspots (bacterial and Alternaria), bronzing or speckling on lower leaves is likely to be caused by media pH <6.0.


Plug Times:

288 plug:

3-4 weeks from sowing to transplant

Transplant to Finish: Container


Transplant to Finish Total Crop Time


1 x plug

4-5 weeks

7-9 weeks

4” inch (10.5cm):

1 x plug

5-6 weeks

8-10 weeks

Crop times are based on UK trials in optimum conditions. Alternative environmental conditions and cultural regimes can alter the crop times stated above.

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