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easy grow guide kale ice crown (brassica oleracea)
Plug Production: 512 or 288 plugs
Use a well-drained, disease-free, peat-based plug medium with pH 5.5-6.2, EC 0.5- 0.75mmhos. Cover seed lightly with vermiculite Keep medium uniformly moist, media temperature should be 65-70°F (18-21°C), light is beneficial for germination and helps reduce early stretch. Emergence should occur in 3-5 days. Dry down covering slightly to improve rooting, keep in a bright, well ventilated area. Media temperature can be lowered to 60-63°F (15-17°C), light levels should be 1500- 2000 f.c. Light fertilization can begin with up to 100ppm N from a nitrate-based fertilizer. Keep media pH at 5.5-6.2 and EC at <1.0mmhos. Media temperature and light levels can be maintained as per stage 2. Continue to fertilize as per stage 2. Media pH at 5.5-6.2, EC <1.0mmhos. Avoid excess moisture but more importantly, avoid wilting. Temperature, light levels pH and fertilizer rates can be maintained as in stage 3. Brassicas will grow quickly in warmer conditions and can easily stretch during the plug stage. Sprays of B-Nine/Dazide (1500 – 2000 ppm) are effective but can delay colour formation. A Bonzi drench at 2-4 ppm is effective, especially in warmer temperatures and a spray of Cycocel at 1500ppm is also effective. Weather conditions and cultural practices directly affect how much growth regulator to use, so it is recommended that you run your own trials.
Germination Stage 1:
Germination Stage 2:
Germination Stage 3:
Germination Stage 4:
Growth Regulators:
Growing on to Finish: 3” (9cm) up to 6 ” (15cm) pots
Use a well-drained, disease free, peat-based growing mix with a lower starter charge. pH 5.5-6.2, EC <1.0mmhos. It is best to grow Brassicas in unheated areas, as cool as possible. As a guide, day temperatures of 18°C (65°F) and night temperatures of 12°C (55°F) should be the absolute maximum, to maintain quality. Higher temperatures will promote faster, softer growth and later colouring. High light levels with cool temperatures are ideal. Outdoor growing works well when recommended temperatures can’t be achieved in the greenhouses. A good wet and dry cycle is recommended, avoiding wilting and prolonged periods of high media moisture levels. Allowing the media to dry back between irrigations will help reduce stretching and excess leafy growth. Fertilize with 100-175ppm N from a well-balanced nitrate-based fertilizer. Avoid over- fertilizing as it can delay leaf colouring. Yellowing outer leaves can be a sign of malnutrition. Keep media pH at 5.5-6.2, EC <1.5mmhos. In warm conditions, growth regulators can be used to reduce stretch and improve quality. Sprays of B-Nine/Dazide (2500 – 5000 ppm) are effective in cooler conditions but can delay colour formation. Bonzi sprays at 3-5 ppm as needed, are effective, especially in warmer temperatures. Weather conditions and cultural practices directly affect how much growth regulator to use, so it is recommended that you run your own trials.
Growth Regulators:
Aphids, Thrips, Caterpillars
Botrytis, Downy Mildew
Plug Times:
288 Plug:
3-4 weeks
Transplant to Finish: Container
Transplant to Finish
Total Crop Time
4” (10.5cm) 6-7 weeks before colouring is observed 9-11 weeks Crop times are based on UK trials in optimum conditions. Alternative environmental conditions and cultural regimes can alter the crop times stated above. 1x plug per pot
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