GYWC 2024 Anthology

Question Mark: Im Sorry! Maddie Burell

Do you write Home about this Do I let you down

I thought you were kind cause I didn’t know any better yet im Getting Pretty fucking tired

The words bitter On my tongue The thought is Sharper If stated than A

Stab from a Knife To you just a cut To me me not so It cuts too deep

The Instagram post sent cold Through my body, Prickling fear, The ocean of panic rose to high- Tide and crashed over me. I knew it. The words echoed in my brain, Bouncing around yet not absorbed. What does this mean for me? Weeks

passed, reports filed. My brain in trying to protect me left me Confused

Im Sorry, For never listening or taking you seriously. For never prioritizing you over others. For making you feel like too much, not enough. For hating you harming you. For bad and worse decisions. For terrible situations. For unhealthy relationships. For never building a backbone. For only standing up when the time was wrong.

For the anger and shame. For the constant criticism.

Im sorry to myself for everything, And im beginning to forgive me .


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