The Lakes South Morang College - Issue 07



In Year 3, we have been learning all about different countries and cultures, comparing Australia to other places around the world. It has been so interesting to discover how people live, what they eat, and the traditions they celebrate in countries different from our own.

We have also been working on writing narratives, creating exciting stories to share with our families. We have learned that narratives are stories that have a beginning, middle, and end. We have explored different story elements such as characters, settings, and plots to make our narratives engaging and exciting. It has been so much fun to use our imaginations and put our ideas down on paper, knowing that our families will get to read our stories soon. We are looking forward to Thursday when families will come in to present their process of writing a narrative. It will be fun to see how everyone has worked hard to create their stories and to share them with each other. It's going to be a special day full of creativity and storytelling!


The Year 10s have started the year off with a bang, especially with early entry VCE. Early - entry VCE has allowed students to get an insight of the upcoming years to come. It has prepared them for the challenges they will soon experience, and expanded their knowledge. Interschool sports for the year 10’ s was an exciting adventure as we learned to cooperate and learn to work well with each other. It was friendly but competitive games that enabled students to step outside of their comfort zone and follow their passions. On the 13 th of March, the year 10 dance and drama students had the opportunity to watch Wicked the Musical at the Regent theatre in CBD. This show was part of the drama student ’ s assessment task as they had to build a theatrical analysis of the play. In addition to this, the grand prix excursion was a day to remember as we were blown away with the high speeds at which formula 1 cars drove. Overall, it was an awesome experience for those who took the opportunity. We also cannot wait for the CHESS excursion which allows the VIA students to get a clear view of their possible futures and learn about their potential pathways. These terms have been memorable times for us all, and we must not take it for granted.

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