Challenges & Benefits of Retailer POS Data Use

Overview Understanding Brand Value & Trends

Retailers know the value of their data and are attempting to monetize with Brands.

Commercial structures for POS data are not tightly coupled with the data value brands can leverage

Merging Monetization & Data

Trends toward second party data, and first are bringing unique opportunities. These could bring unique data sets on a brand’s platform and unique calculations, integrations, and models, built from the data. This includes separate licensing tiers for a brand’s own products and competitor products as part of being a Category Advisor.

Visuals and media in presentations are key. Though video and audio aren't mandatory, you should create engaging campaign mockups. Seek out vector illustrations to highlight important points. Lastly, keep your presentation easy-to-read. Don’t make the page too wordy, and choose a color palette that won’t distract the audience.

Brands are creating their own competitive advantage

Cloud platform

Benefits of acquiring more direct Point of Sale (POS) data

Ease & interest in integrating data with other data sources

Licensing cost of third-party data

Cohesion & unity between Brands & retailers

availability, capability & cost

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