Rashad 2020 | CTS | RSW
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Case-control study. 60 patients with unilateral carpal tunnel syndrome were divided into 3 equal groups according to severity: mild, moderate, and severe. All patients received shock wave therapy with Chattanooga Intelect RPW - 1 session per week, for 6 weeks (2000 shock/session, 1.6 bar, 0.03J/mm²) Subjects were assessed before and at the end of the treatment. Results: • Sensory conduction parameters, CSA, lateral pinch power, and pain VAS were significantly improved (P < 0.05) after shock wave therapy in all groups. • Motor latency, motor, and sensory amplitudes were significantly improved after shock wave therapy in mild and moderate groups only (P < 0.05).
Key message 6 weekly RSW sessions provided significant improvement of pain in all severity groups and of median nerve neurophysiological parameters in mild and moderate groups.
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