Abdelkader 2021 | Achilles Tendinop. | FSW
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Abdelkader NA, Helmy MNK, Fayaz NA, Saweeres ESB. Short- and Intermediate-Term Results of Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy for Noninsertional Achilles Tendinopathy. Foot Ankle Int. 2021 Jun;42(6):788-797.
Double-blind randomisedcontrolledtrial (level 1) 50 patients with non-insertional AT were randomised to • ESWT group: ecc. training program + 4 sessions ESWT • Control group: ecc. training program + 4 sessions sham ESWT Results • Pain (VAS) and function (VISA-A) improved significantly in both groups immediately after treatment (1m) and at long term (mean 16m) follow-up. • The improvements were signif. greater in the active ESWT group • The ESWT group had statistically and clinically significantly better scores than the control group at all time points (except baseline)
Key message Combining RSW and eccentric exercise provides significantly greater improvement (both statistically and clinically) in pain and function than eccentric loading only for non-insertional Achilles tendinopathy, in short and long term.
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