Lithia Pinecrest Network Analysis

5.2 Long TermMajor Investments Improvements to address the effects of long term projected future growth, especially south of the Alafia River, should be studied carefully and in close coordination with FDOT and THEA. Potential future changes to existing plans for I-75, US 301, US 41, and the Selmon Expressway could significantly influence peak hour travel patterns and volumes within and south of the study area. For example, capacity improvements along I-75 or an extension of the Selmon Expressway along US 301 could draw significant volumes to east-west roadways south of the Alafia River and provide substantial relief to corridors in the study area. In coordination with FDOT, THEA, and other entities, the County should explore the feasibility and potential impacts of the following: ƒ Improvements to the US 301/I-75 Interchange. The County should work with FDOT to explore improvements to address the northbound I-75 on ramp operations and the US 301/Bloomingdale Avenue intersection operations in the AM peak and the southbound approach of the US 301/Bloomingdale Avenue intersection in the PM peak.

ƒ Network Connectivity and Capacity. The County should continue to explore strategies to increase connectivity and capacity of the roadway network. The County should 1) plan for capacity improvements along existing arterial corridors south of the Alafia River including Fishhawk Boulevard/Boyette Road/Gibsonton Drive, Balm Riverview Road, and Rhodine Road; 2) provide for increased roadway network connectivity in and between existing, infill, and developing neighborhoods and commercial districts; and 3) explore the potential for new Alafia River crossings. ƒ Selmon Expressway Improvements and Extension. The County should work with THEA to explore potential two-way operations of the existing reversible lane section between Town Center Boulevard and Falkenburg Road. In addition, the potential for an Expressway Extension south along the US 301 right-of-way to Big Bend Road should be further evaluated. Such an improvement could draw traffic from the Lithia Pinecrest Road corridor to access new capacity along US 301.


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