Benefits and financial help You may be able to claim certain benefits and one-off payments if you lived with or were dependent on the deceased. Time limits apply, so contact your nearest Jobcentre Plus office as soon as possible to find out. • Contact Jobcentre Plus • Check your current benefits and tax credits Making a new Will • Surviving relatives and friends of the deceased may need to make a new Will. It’s important to ask a solicitor about this. Bereavement – counselling and support • If you or someone you know needs counselling or support, ask your family doctor or contact an organisation such as Cruse Bereavement Care. Help and support for you When someone in your family dies, as well as distress, it can cause money problems. This may only be for a short time, while you
wait for their estate to be distributed, or you may need long-term help.
The Pensions Advisory Service 0800 011 3797 The National Careline 0800 0699 784 State Pension Tele-claims – 0800 731 7898 Age UK Surrey – 01483 503 414 Cruse Bereavement Care Bereavement will be the most distressing experience we will ever face. Grief is what we feel when somebody we are close to dies. Everyone experiences grief differently and there is no ‘normal’ or ‘right’ way to grieve. Cruse is a national charity that provides advice, information and support to anyone who has been bereaved (children, young people and adults), whenever or however the death occurred. The service is provided by trained experienced volunteers and is confidential and free. Coping with bereavement Cruse offers: • Someone to talk to one-to-one if preferred, face-to-face or on the telephone. • Groups – many bereaved people find it helpful to talk to others in similar circumstances. • Education and information about many aspects of bereavement using publications and other sources of help and support. • Face-to-face support for children and young people.
There are many types of assistance available, which depend entirely on your individual circumstances and will be subject to assessment prior to confirmation. These include: • Bereavement benefits (Bereavement payment, Widowed Parent’s Allowance, Bereavement Allowance) • Increased State Pension Payments • Univeral Credit • Tax Credits • Housing Benefit • Council Tax Benefit • Personal Independent Payment (PIP) • Carers Allowance • Age-related payments such as Winter Fuel Payment and Attendance Allowance • Social Fund payments • Support for dental treatment, prescription charges, eyesight tests and other NHS costs
To find out if you are entitled to any of these payments and for further information, please contact your local Jobcentre Plus office or Citizens Advice office.
Detailed information can also be found in the benefits section of the website.
National Helpline: 0808 808 1677 Email: Cruse website: Cruse young people’s Helpline: 0808 808 1677 Website:
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