Surrey Registration Service Bereavement Guide

Introduction When someone dies, there are many decisions and arrangements to be made. Unfortunately, these decisions and arrangements are required at a time of great personal distress and sadness. Coping with bereavement is something that we will all experience at some point in our lives. Different people react in very different ways and it is common to feel a whole variety of emotions, which can be unnerving and at times overwhelming. Nothing can really prepare you for when you lose someone close to you and it is important to remember that you should allow yourself time to react to grief in the way that is best for you. The Surrey Registration Service realises the difficulties you face at this time and we endeavour to provide a sympathetic, helpful and considerate service to you. The following pages are intended to offer you help and guidance about some of the things that you need to do from the moment a bereavement occurs, as well as providing details of groups and contacts that may assist you over the next few days and weeks. Please note that the information included on these pages give general guidance only and should not be treated as a complete and authoritative statement of the law. This publication will be in use from 2024 and the information included was correct at the time of printing.

Contents Probate, property and



What to do after you have registered the death - Registration Documents - Certificates


Tell us once


Letting organisations know


Organising the Funeral


Children’s Funeral Fund for England 6

Other services to consider




Help and support for you


Cruse Bereavement Care


Surrey contacts


guidance, support and reassurance


Bereavement Guide

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