King's Business - 1948-12

men to leave the broad road, enter through the door (which is Himself) and travel on to eternity by way of the narrow road. Since He urges that de­ cision, we should make it. Let us face the matter fairly and squarely and choose Jesus Christ and His path. January 9, 1949 LOOK OUT FOR YOURSELF Luke 12:15-21; Matt. 16:24-26 Selfishness may be summed up in a much shorter word—pride. Note that I is the central letter of the word. When I becomes the center, then selfishness, greed, avarice, egotism, and all the rank weeds of self-seeking spring up abundantly. Pride is the source and the cause of untold misery and sorrow in this world. Selfishness is opposed to godliness and hinders every grace of the Spirit. That big “I” should be bent over and made into a cipher “0”. Then we will be in a place to be used of God and to be a blessing to others. 1. Men Approve Pride Psa. 49:13, 18 The world applauds that which God despises. The man who seeks his own selfish ends and is clever in gaining his own wealth, position, and power is lauded by his fellows. He is said to be clever, industrious, wise, and successful. King Nebuchadnezzar said, “Is this not great Babylon which 7 have built?” God put His foot upon it and sent the king to the field to eat grass. Though he was a world conqueror the record of his fail­ ure is inscribed for posterity. “Pride goeth before a fall.” T R A C T S Recommended by Louis T. Talbot, Paul R. Bauman ,Sam H. Suther­ land, and others. Titles include: Life Facts, Hell, Christ Speaks on Hell, When the Books Are Opened, Ye Must Be Born Arain, Sliding: Into Hell from a Church Pew, Eat Drink and Be Merry, The Delusion of Head Belief, Soul Winner’s Chart. Send 10c for samples of all publications listed! Sacramento 14, Calif. YOU CAN WIN SOULS TO CHRIST WITH GOSPEL FILMS Send for free booklet today explaining:. It will be a revelation to you. Also free booklet describing: the revolutionary lifetime MIRACLE SOUND PROJECTOR that does not wear out; quiet as a clock; needs no oiling:; has no belts; needs no servicing:; trouble-proof. C. O. BAPTISTA FILMS. Sunnyside Avenue, Wheaton, 111. KINO'S CROSS PUBLICATION KING'S CROSS PUBLICATIONS (Paul R. Cowles, Jr., Dir. Evangr.) 1915 15th Street

January 2, 1949 "LIFE IS JUST A BOWL OF CHERRIES" Gen. 25:27-34; 2 Tim. 3:1-5

On many occasions throughout life, we must make a choice. We must choose which school we will attend. We must decide which companion we will marry. We must find which path of service we shall enter — what trade or profession. We must select a place to live. All through life decisions must be made. The great decision is the one in regard to the soul’s welfare and the path in which we will walk. Certainly this choice should be made a definite one for the glory of God and the good of our souls. 1. Joshua Made the Right Choice Josh. 24:17 There was no question in Joshua’s mind about his own path. He had thought the matter through fully and decisively. He had weighed his choice from every angle since his youth. He urged others to do the same. His choice was for God. His family agreed with him. . He announced it to the world. There was no evasion and certainly no avoidance of the publicity concerning the path he intended to walk. A great leader made a great choice. 2. Moses Made the Right Choice Deut. 30:19 This man of God was a man with a great mind. He was gifted with leader­ ship and vision. He was a man of deci­ sion and purpose. He was not misled by

the fads of the day nor the fashions of the times. He wanted the best for this life and for the next. He made his choice for God. His brother, Aaron, and his sister, Miriam, followed the same path. He urged others to choose God’s way. He knew the sorrows of those who turn their back on God. He counseled them to avoid the thorns and thistles that lie in the path of disobedience. 3. Paul Made the Right Choice. Heb. 11:25 The remarkable stories which Paul had read concerning Moses, Joshua, and others convinced him of the value of making a choice for God. He, too, showed his preference for affliction rather than the pleasures of idolatry. He suffered for and with the people of God that he might have an abundant entrance into the eternal kingdom. His was a deliber­ ate choice under the penetrating light which shined on the Damascus road. It was there that Paul’s life reached its climax and the decision was made. The Lord grant that we, also, may make the right choice. 4. Jesus Taught the Right Choice. Matt. 7:13 The Saviour had lived in eternity be­ fore coming here for a while. He knew what was beyond the tomb. He saw the joys of the justified and the despair of the damned. With all of that background identify the Bible characters indi- 9. A m a r k ........................... A murder 10. A dance................ A horrible request 11. The Italian band........ ......... A vision 12. A glance........................ Pillar of salt 13. A hunter .................................. Cush 14. A fisherman..............Peter’s brother 15. Boils .................................... Patience 16. A painted face........ A violent death Vernon Howard in Lively Bible Quizzes


Are you a good “Scripture sleuth”? Can you cated by the following clues?

1. David ............ I 2. Gleaning ........ 3. Pairs ............ I 6. Lions’ den . . . . 7. Salvation.......... 8. A wall ..........

4. Graveclothes .. ............ “Come forth” 5. Arimathea . . . . ........ “Body of Jesus”


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