Isa. 14:13 Satan is no friend of man. He leads his followers into paths that invite God’s anger as well as human failure. He said, “I will be like God.” Six times he said, “I will . . .” That spirit still per meates human society. Men say, “I will”—“I will have”—“I will get”—“I will do”—“I will punish”—“I will pay him back”—“I will obtain what I want.” Thus I becomes the center of all their plans and ambitions. God’s answer is found in Ezekiel 28 where He said seven times to Satan, “I will . . .” “I will cast thee down.” God has the last Word as He always does. 3. Paul Rejected Pride Gal. 2:20 The statement made by Paul in Gala tians 2:20 exactly describes the attitude of the one who has laid aside his self life and selfish ambitions. Paul said, “Not I.” Have you noticed that the mid dle letter in the word Luc/fer is 7? Too frequently this letter I spoils the whole atmosphere and promotes sin. Paul re fused it and would have none of it. He took the I out of his life that he might live for the glory of God, the honor of Christ, and as a channel for the Holy Spirit. 4. We Should Repudiate Pride Col. 3:12 God can use the humble person. He said, “. . . to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word” (Isa. 66:2b). God wants men who are un selfish and who seek only the glory of God and the blessing of others. The branch bears fruit for others. The light shines for others. The tree yields its fruit for others. Those who know Christ the best are the most humble in their own estimation and seek constantly the welfare of their neighbors. We should never let ourselves get in the way of God’s blessing in the service of the King. Each person is an individual in his own right and with his own gifts. There is not another person in the world like you. For that reason each one is held responsible by God to fulfill his mission and successfully pursue the path that is laid before him. We are not to be like others. We are told to imitate God and to imitate Paul but no one else. Let us in a new way assume this responsibility. Let us seek to fill the position in which we are placed to the best of pur ability and let us increase in ability. 1. Christians are to be a Blessing to Others John 7:37 Those who believe in Christ should see definite and progressive results in the life. The results are not to be selfward but outward. The mark of a walk with God is that others receive and enjoy the T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S January 16, 1949 "DON 'T COUNT ON ME!" Rom. 14:7-12; Luke 12:48b
I t J -fa p p e n e d OYER 1948 YEARS AGO On the first Christmas Eve, Jesus Christ was born in a manger in a stable in Bethlehem. On that night, centuries ago, the cry was echoed, “Peace on earth, good will toward men.” This Christmas Eve we again pray for peace among the nations of the earth,' and good will among all men.
139 CHRISTMAS DAYS HAVE PASSED SINCE THE NEW YORK BIBLE SOCIETY took up the work of spreading the Word of God among the people of New York City. The needy in' institutions, the sick in hospitals, the unfortunates in penitentiaries—all are helped by repre sentatives of the New York Bible Society, who distribute Bibles to those who have NEED OF spiritual comfort. You will want to have a share in this work. The New York Bible Society has an an nuity plan that assures you an income for life and makes funds available for carrying on the gospel of “Per ce on earth, good will toward men.” A New York Bible Society Annuity is a truly Christian Investment. Send for our free descriptive booklet. R e v . D. J. F a n t , General Secretary N E W Y O R K B I B L E S O C I E T Y „ 5 E°stf th *!’ Y N ew Y ork 17 , N . .
Eloy Daily Vacation Bible School, 71st of its kind organized by one A.S.S.U. Missionary in Southern Arizona. Above, right, Junior Class of Smithtown, Pa., D.V.B.S. with their silhouette Bible posters. Below, right, 18th annual D.V.B.S. at Clearwater, Idaho. Throughout the nation we maintained 1489 such schools last year. “3 teas ©lai) tojjett Ctjep §3>atti @lnto jtlc, L
ET us go into the house of the Lord.” ‘Thus sweetly on the air rang out the dear young voices,” writes a Union missionary from North Carolina. “Scrubbed and combed, some even beyond recognition, the boys and girls of The Cove had been joyfully gathering daily for their Vacation Bible School. This evening they were putting on a closing program for, their parents and neighbors, and a glad ‘Welcome, Dear People to You’ had just been sung. “Then, at the request of the children, the missionary told again the sweet story of Little Lame John’; for these boys and girls who had found their own way to the tnrone of grace wanted their Dads and Mothers also to hear how 'the blood of Jesus cleanseth us from all sin.’ A boy chor ister directed the singing of ‘Everybody Ought to Love Jesus,’ and parents and neighbors listened in awe as eager young voices named Bible characters and an swered Scripture questions for which even Grandad had never guessed the answers. They were amazed, too, at the speed and accuracy with which their little ones lo cated the Bible passages during the thrilling 'Sword Drill.’ “Another long'looked'forward'to Daily Vacation Bible School had come to a success ful close, and the missionary and his wife wended their way down the winding mountain road, lifted their hearts in gratitude to God for the salvation of ten precious souls, and the surrender of these young lives to His Jesus said: " Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of Heaven.” (Matt. 19: 14.) Write at once for your copy of our gripping field magazine, The SUNDAY SCHOOL MISSION ARY, direct to Department of Missions, 1816-K Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
A retired A.S.S.U. mission* ary reports his 46 years of service as follows: Organized or reorganized 398 Sunday Schools, enrolling 12,641 mem bers; made 36,469 visits in homes; delivered 2,504 ser mons and addresses; distribu ted 2,965 Bibles and Testa ments; and was privileged to witness 1,242 professed con versions. 25 church organiza tions resulted from his labors, and twelve church buildings were erected. He travelled a total of 280,900 miles. "To those looking for an invest ment in Christian work where the dollar counts for the most," he writes, "May I say I know no ministry more worthy or fruitful than that of the A.S.S.U."
AMERICAN- Sunday School Union
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