King's Business - 1948-12

DAY by DAY wi th JESUS for 1949 A Calendar for Family and Private Pevotions Prepared by DR. WALTER A. MAIER Internationally Famous Radio Speaker

“% e J W f y S l e e p ”

COME OVER INTO CHICAGO- Insistent calls have come to us to send full-time workers into Chicago, Philadel­ phia, Chattanooga and Indianapolis, and to expand our work in New York. Our missionaries are now laboring fruit­ fully in New York, Brooklyn, Los Angeles, Seattle, Tucson and Phoenix, Santa Monica and Venice, and in Mexico. The Lord has gloriously met these needs. We believe He is calling us to widen our search for the “lost sheep of the house of Israel,” and will enable us to meet these new calls! Pray for the Jews—DAILY. And pray for us, earnestly and unceasingly. Harry A. Ironside, Chair-man of the Board Hyman J. Appelman, President Write AMERICAN ASSOCIATION - FOR JEWISH EVANGELISM f WINONA LAKE, Dept. KB., INDIANA fteu> NON -CHR IST IAN RELIGIONS C O U R S E Wow Available by Correspondence • Through home study* get a better understanding of the religions of the world. • Be enabled to lead their followers out of darkness into the light of the gospel. Compiled into almost unbelievable compactness this comprehensive study of Non-Christian Religions includes Animism Hinduism Buddhism Confucianism Shintoism Mohammedanism Judaism Also Christianity Price $3.50 Adaptable for individual or group study (This study is equivalent to two units of credit at the Bible Institute of Log Angeles.) Prospectus of 18 courses hy mail available on request. Write Correspondence Department M M ’

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