no better than to follow the example of our loving Lord. “He took a towel” and sat on the floor to wash the dusty feet. He was willing to be called by vile names and to be treated as a criminal, yet He raised no cry. He never defended Himself but permitted men to treat Him shamefully. We, too, should partake of that spirit. 1. Christ Was Servant of All Matt. 20:28 It was the definite purpose of Christ to have no one minister to Him. Al though there were lovely friends who would minister to Him we never read that He invited this sweet service. We do not know how nor where He lived. We do not know how nor what He ate. We know nothing of His comforts at night nor the provision made’ for His travel. He was will'ng to be obscure, mistreated, and maligned. He had no intention of seeking the favor, the blessing, nor the comforts of others. His was a life of humility. 2. Phebe was a Servant of the Church Rom. 16:1 Just what Phebe did is not known. She left no record on wood nor stone nor parchment rare. The Holy Spirit simply records that when the church needed help, Phebe was there. No job was too menial. No work was beneath her dignity. She learned how to do whatever had to be done and she did it happily and efficiently. She was a trust ed servant of God who brought a bless ing to the people of God and was indis pensable in the church of God. What an example she left for all those who would become great in the service of the King. 3. She hath Pone w^at she Could Mark 14:8 Here we find an unnamed woman who because of her love for Christ brought her alabaster box and anointed His love ly head with the sweet perfume. There were some who found fault with her, some who knew better than she what should be done with her money. She preferred to spend it on Jesus. The story of her gift and giving has gone around the world on millions of printed pages. That which she did has encour aged thousands of others to do what they can in their humble sweet way. Let us follow her example. 4. They gave Their Own Selves 2 Cor. 8:5 This is the secret of service. They gave all of their powers, gifts, talents, and bodies for the service of the Man who had bought them with His precious blood. They withhold nothing. Their minds and thoughts were to be His. Their hands were to work for Him. Their feet were to run His errands. Their hearts were to love His things. Their eyes were to look for opportuni ties to serve. Their lips were to be filled with His messages. They gave them selves to Him. Let us do likewise. THE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
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