January 30, 1949 "LET GOD SPEAK THROUGH ME DENOMINATIONAL DAY' 1 Cor. 3 :16; 4:2 '
for church or club needs T h o u s a n d s of women, coast to coast, raise money easily for worthy projects by selling Gott- schalk’s Metal Sponges. Most home makers rely on these handy sponges for the tough cleaning and scouring jobs around the house. They save time, are harmless to' hands, can’t scratch polished surfaces. That’s why they sell on sight . . . with big profits to you. For full particulars about our liberal cooperative plan, write today to Metal Sponge Sales Corporation, 3650 North 10th St., Philadelphia 40. O O TT SCH A IK 'S M e t a l S p o n g e s WESTERN BAPTIST BIBLE COLLEGE 528 33rd St. OAKLAND 9, CALIF. H. O. Van Gilder, D. D., President Three-year intensive Bible Course in Mis sions, Pastoral, Chr. Ed., Music. Approved for Veterans. Write for Catalog.
' detail that which is spoken into the in strument by the friend at the other end of the line. So we should be like the tele phone. We receive messages from God through His Word and pass them on without change to those who hear us. 1. We Speak Words of Warning Ezek. 3:19 The unsaved are blind and need to be warned about where they are going. The unsaved are wicked and need to be told of the judgment that awaits them. The unsaved are defiled by sin and need, to be reminded that God will shut them out. Christians live wordly lives and need to be reminded of the judgment seat of Christ. God’s message of warning was committed to us just as surely as the precious promises are entrusted to us. Let us therefore be faithful in warning men of the coming day when Christ, the Judge, will rule and reign. 2. We Speak God’s Gospel Mark 16:15 The gospel is a spoken message in which we describe the value of the Lord Jesus, the sufficiency of His work, and the efficacy of His blood. Satan has many false teachings about the way of salva tion and we need to be most active in “holding forth the word of life” and in telling men how to be saved from their sins. This is a great honor. “We are ambassadors for Christ,” and we should give a true message from the heart of God for those who sit in darkness and in their guilt. Let us tell the story gladly as we go. 3. We Speak Words of Comfort 1 Thess. 4:18 “The world is full of sighs, full of sad and weeping eyes.” Everywhere there is sorrow, grief, disappointment, and pain. God has given to us in the Scripture good words and comfortable words for the binding up of broken hearts. We should be in the business of drying tears and not causing any. We should speak words that lift the burden and never add to it. We should bring a message that will provide the oil of joy instead of mourning and “the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.” We should plant myrtle trees and not brambles. Ours is a noble enterprise •—comforting those that mourn. 4. We Speak Words of Enlightenment Jude 20 There are many things to learn in this wonderful world of ours. Most of our friends do not study their Bibles nor do they study God’s great outdoor book— the book of nature. Our conversations should be about the wonders of God in both of these books. We might talk of leaves for the Scripture says, “We all do fade as a leaf” ; some sere and yel low, some beautifully tinted with gor geous colors. Or we might speak of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah with His wonderful characteristics. Let our words be helpful to others.
John the Baptist called himself “The ‘voice’ of one crying in the wilderness.” The Greek word for this is phoneo. It is the word from which we obtain our word “telephone” and “phonograph.” It indicates that what God said to John was repeated by him to the people without change. That which one hears through the telephone receiver is exactly in every ENJOY.
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