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SPURGEON AND SMOKING By Dr. L. Sale-Harrison Since many Christians have made excuses for their smoking by stating that Charles Haddon Spurgeon smoked, it is necessary to give the following explanation: I was a member of the entertain ment committee of the World Baptist Alliance in the Baptist Temple of Phila delphia in 1911. Some months prior to these meetings, D r.' Shakespeare, Gen eral Secretary of the Alliance, enmo to give instruction and advice in regard to the conduct of these gatherings. At that time there came to Philadel phia a Baptist minister who had been the chief secretary of the late Charles Haddon Spurgeon. In his discussion of Spurgeon’s life and of his loyalty to Christ, he told this story to Dr. Shakes peare and me: “One Saturday morning Mr. Spurgeon went out for a walk, and when he came back, he said to me, ‘I saw in a shop window down the street a can of tobacco, and on it a printed card reading: Spur geon s tobacco.’ Then he asked me, ‘When the Lord calls me home, shall I be remembered by the tobacco I smoked or by the Lord I preached? I can never again smoke to the glory of God.’ Im mediately he picked up all of his smok ing paraphernalia and threw it upon the fire. For nine months, to the day of his departure to glory, he never smoked again.” I was myself present when these state ments were made. It was known that Spurgeon suffered greatly from gout and he may have thought that smoking eased the pain. However, in spite of this, he had finally come to the conclusion that his smoking dishonored the Lord, and had given it up .—Good News Broadcaster.
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