King's Business - 1948-12

contained in the New Testament letters, “Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.” Again in 1 John 5:13 we read, “These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life.” When a letter is received from a friend with information in it which has to do with time, we, as a rule, read it very carefully, and very often order our lives in accordance with it. How much more carefully should we read and obey the letters of the New Testament, which reveal to us eternal truths coming from the Lord. GETTING RESULTS A minister was told the following by one who had heard him preach: “Doc­ tor, I was greatly moved by your ser­ mon. But, if you will allow me, I would like to offer this criticism: I am a busi­ ness man, at the head of a large con­ cern. We send out a great many sales­ men. If one of my salesmen went into a prospective customer’s place of busi­ ness, talked as convincingly for one hour as you did last Sunday about the fine quality of our goods, and then walk­ ed out without trying to get an order, we would discharge him.” R each T h e C h ild r en ( * • n « (1 w ith ’ ÿ ( r e M ± L at + ----------- K For Sunday School Child Evangelism, DVBS, Etc. 75 Songs by Lena Seley Lawrence melodyand musical taste." Foundation From S I N G I N G S T O R I E S 296 North 5th Street : San Jose 12, California pr from your Christian Supply Store PASTOR’S INDIVIDUAL COMMUNION SET Complete outfit for administering the Sacrament in the home to the sick or shut-in • Well arranged outfit of convenient size. Contains tray of 6 glasses, wine flask and bread plate with cover in Morocco grain leather, plush-lined case. No Pastor should line extra 75c. A t your dealer. Catalogfree WILLIAM H. DIETZ, INC. 10 South W abash, Dept. 103, Chicago 3, 11L Page Twenty-Nine be without one of these handy sets. P r i c e $10.75. Name in gold let­ ters on case, per For Children and Young People, Old Testament Story Songs with Gospel application; prayer and seasonal sings. Wendell P. loveless» "Something different from anything heretofore published...a fine sente of Endorssd Priee $1.00 per eopy by Fuller Evangelistic

Rev. Elmer L. Wilder

Illustrated by Gladys Bowman

This last package reminds me of the early disciples who began at Jerusalem their home and carried the gospel to Rome (Acts lfcS;28:lj6).

December 5. 1948 F r o m H o m e T o R o m e

December 12, 1948 L e a r n in g A b o u t L e t t e r s





Objects: Five small packages, differ­ ently shaped, labeled respectively as follows: “Keep in a cool place,” “This side up,” “Don’t open until Christmas,” “Fragile,” and “Shake well.” (Address each package to “The Lost, Everyland.” Paste on some old stamps as if the parcels were to be mailed. The packages are to be marked as from “Jesus Christ, Gloryland.”) Lesson: Packages and people are very much alike, so much so, that I brought five small packages with me to illustrate the lesson. They are addressed to “The Lost, Everyland,” coming from “Jesus Christ, Gloryland.” These addresses remind me of what is called the Great Commission, given by Christ to His followers: “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Christians are like packages, addressed to the unsaved of every land. The labels on these packages are in­ teresting. The first label says, “Keep in a cool place.” It would never do to send this package to Africa. Some people do not serve Christ when it is too hot. Another label reads, “This side up.” If this package were to get upset, it would be spoiled. There are many places where God cannot use a Christian who is easily upset. . This next label reads, “Don’t open until Christmas.” I know some people who say, “Lord, you may use me some­ time, but not now.” Here is a label which reads, “Fragile.” Some Christians have to be handled with care. They are easily hurt. God cannot use them in hard places. The last package is the best of all. The label reads, “Shake well.” You don’t have to worry keeping it cool or handling it gently. It can be handled roughly and can be used now. This is the kind of p Christian with which Christ is most pleased. D E C E M B E R , 1 9 4 8


Object: A piece of paper 8% x 11 inches. (Fold each end to within % inch of the middle, leaving a gap of % inch. In this space prjnt the word, “LETTERS.” Open the flaps, and using the letters in the word “LETTERS,” complete the following words, “LOYAL, INSPIRED, APOSTLES, TEACHING, BEL I EVERS , E T E R N A L and TRUTHS.” Close the flaps before begin­ ning the lesson.) Lessoh: Today we are to learn some­ thing about letters. It is interesting to know that most of the New Testament books were first written as letters. As a rule people are interested in reading letters more than they are in reading a book. With the thought in mind that in many cases the New Testament books are letters, I brought this piece of paper on which the word “LETTERS” is printed. We are not to let this paper remind us of an ordinary letter, but the letters which are in the New Testa­ ment. Letters to be effective must be opened and read. We will open this letter differ­ ently from the manner in which the average letter is opened. (Open the flaps and reveal the words.) Now that the “LETTER” is opened we read, “LOYAL INSPIRED APOS­ TLES T E A C H I N G BELIEVERS ETERNAL TRUTHS.” This explains the purpose and origin of the New Tes­ tament letters. The apostles were in­ spired by the Spirit of God to write the letters. Philippians 1:6 gives us a sample of some of the wonderful inspired truths

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