December 26,1948 F rom S adness T o G ladness
December 19. 1948 T he C ross and C hristmas
CLASS IF IED ADVERT ISEM EN T S 5 CENTS PER WORD—MINIMUM $1.00 PREACH THE GOSPEL WITH SCRIPTURE tracts. 100 assorted, 25c; 500 assorted, $1.00. K. Allman, 90 Coral Street, Paterson 2, N. J." USED RELIGIOUS BOOK CATALOG READY! Write today. Baker Book House, Grand Rapids' 6, Mich. BIBLES, BOOKS, REBOUND, REPAIRED. 27 years’ experience. Send for prices. Bible Hospital, 1001 South Harwood, Dallas 1, Texas. BIBLES—FREE LOOSE-LEAF CATALOG, DE- scribes booklet presented with every Bible. Bible Book Store, 526 15th St., Oakland 12, Calif. FOR SALE—ONE R.C.A. 16MM SOUND PRO JECTOR, new model, used very little—$450.00. Original price $541.00. One crystal microphone (new). One RADIANT screen (new). Baptista films—40% off. Fred Bedford, Houghton College, Houghton, N. Y. HI-WAY AND BI-WAY BUS SALES. DEALER in new and used busses for churches. Box 702, Jackson, Mich. NEW EFFECTIVE TRACTS FREE IN ANY quantity for distribution to the unsaved: “What Have YOU Done with Christ?” “The Most important Question of Today.” “Judge or Sav iour,’’ “The Resurrection Body,” “Prepare NOW for the GREATEST EVENT in the World’s HISTORY.” Address Neal E. Huff, 611 S. Broad way, Pittsburgh, Kan. CORRECT AND SINGABLE MUSIC SETTING for your hymn-poem, assures editorial considera tion. Music composing, arranging, editing and printing. Folders free. Raymond Iden (K.B.), Mount Vernon, Ohio. RELIGIOUS BOOKS PURCHASED FOR CASH, or exchanged. Send list to Kregel’s Book Store, Grand Rapids 6, Mich. GOSPEL OBJECT LESSONS AND VISUAL AIDS. Send 20c, receive one lesson and complete list of material. Charles Morrison, Nichols, N. Y. GOSPEL WALL MOTTOES FOR CHURCHES, etc. 14"x28" @ $1.00, 14"x44" @ $1.50. Write for folder. Roy Nelson, 2009 Raskob St., Flint 4, Mich. CELLOPHANE AND GOSPEL BOMBS—FREE ’catalog and samples of “The Reason Why,” “Aunt Phoebe’s Stories for Boys and Girls,” Tracts and a Gospel Bomb. Carleton E. Null, P. O. Box 599, Oakland 4,. Calif. WILL DEAD MEN LIVE AGAIN? 127-PAGE book 20c postpaid. P.O. Box 446-K, Minneapolis, Minn. . FREE: NEW “WATER BAPTISM,” ELMER E. Bloom. M.Th. Retails 25c. Sem. Dean, Coll. Pres, commends. Post. 5c coin for 2. (20—50c; 200— $5.) Limited offer! Timely Tracts, 620 S. 7th St., Minneapolis, Minn.
Objects: A piece of paper 7x21 in ches. (Fold 3% inches from each end, making the size 7x1414 inches. Fold each end 3% inches nearer the middle, making the size 7x7%. Now fold Sections 1 and 3 tightly against Section 2, and you will find that they will lack % inch of meeting each other. The portion of these flaps that contacts Section 2 should be red, and the remainder yellow. In the % inch space, write the word “HEAV EN,” beginning near the top and print ing toward the bottom. Open the flaps, and using the individual letters in the word “HEAVEN,” complete the follow ing w o r d s : “HOME , B R OK E N , HEARTACHE, LEAVING, LOVED, ONES.” Close the flaps (Sections 1 and 3) and fold half of each loose front flap (Sections 4 and 5) toward the center, leaving % inch between them. On these folded flaps, using the word “H E A V E N,” complete the words “HOME, ETERNAL, HAPPINESS, LOVED, ONES, UNITED.” At the be ginning of the lesson have all flaps folded in back.)
nel, a red flannel cross, and a flannel heart, black on one side and white on the other. (Paste the two colors together. Cut various pictures from catalogues which will be attractive to the age group with which you are working. Paste flan nel on the back of each picture. Cut three pieces of gilded paper the shape of Christmas packages. Make them double so they can be opened. On the inside, write “PEACE,” “JOY,” and “HAPPI NESS.” Paste flannel on the back of each. Cover a cardboard about a yard square with dark flannel.) Lesson: When Christmastime comes, often the thing of importance in the minds of many is the Christmas tree with its presents. We will put this tree on the flannel board to remind us of a Christmas tree! Near the bottom of the tree we will put the presents. We see skates, a doll, an electric train, a foot ball, and a toy ironing board. You would think, with such things under the tree at Christmastime, that all hearts would be happy, but this not so. Here is a black heart which shows the condition of.many hearts at Christmas. Gifts under the Christmas tree will not satisfy and change the heart. The Gift which changes the heart is the One God gave on the first Christmas. We will put this red cross on the Christmas tree to remind us of God’s Gift, His Son, and our Saviour. We will remove these presents, as they can never fully satisfy the heart. Now let us bring the black heart to the cross and, see what happens. It is changed, and is now white. We will at this time place some real and lasting gifts under the cross. Let’s open them and see what we find. One has “PEACE.” The second , has “JOY,” and the third, “HAPPINESS.” It is all right to give and to receive presents at Christmas, but we must never forget the Gift which God gave the world, if we are to have peace, joy, and happiness. When the irresistible force of the love of God came in contact with the immov able object of man’s sin, the heart of God was broken in atoning anguish, and a river of life was opened, which has flowed down all the ages.
Lesson: On this piece of paper you find a common idea of death. We read: “HOME B ROKE N , HEARTACHE, LEAVING, LOVED ONES.” The Christian, by faith, sees death differently. We will fold these two red panels, which speak of Christ’s re deeming blood, over the sad words, ■and see what happens. They are changed from sad words to a glad word, ’‘HEAV EN.” We now see yellow panels suggest ing the golden streets of heaven. A person’s being a Christian makes the difference between sadness and gladness. But this is not all. If we fold the top panel again, we find these words, “HOME ETERNAL, HAPPINESS, LOVED ONES UNITED.” Death is but a door into a better life for those who are Christians. The disciples of Christ were sad when they knew He was soon to leave them, but He said, “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.” We should never forget that death, for the Christian, is only a door which turns sadness to gladness. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
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We mutter and sputter, We fume and we spurt; We mumble and grumble, : Our feelings get hurt; ;We can't understand things,
Our vision grows dim; When all that we need is A MOMENT WITH HIM! ANSWERS TO BIBLE QUIZ (Continued from Page 17) 1. Goliath
8. Nehemiah 9. Cain 10. Salome 11. Cornelius 12. Lot’s wife 13. Nimrod 14. Andrew 15. Job 16. Jezebel
2. ■Ruth 3. Noah 4. Lazarus 5. Joseph of Arimathea 6. Daniel 7. The Lord
Jesus Christ
Page Thirty
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