King's Business - 1948-12


A RADIO MISSION THAT REALLY REACHES JEWS 75 per cent of all Jews in the U. S. live within range of our weekly broadcasts. Thousands have written asking for Testa­ ments. WRITE FOR FREE COPY of our bi-monthly magazine MESSAGE TO ISRAEL Jews who will not enter a church or mission will listen to a Christian broadcast designed to meet their needs. We need and welcome your interest in this program. COULSON SHEPHERD Box 682 Geni P.0. NewNbrk. l.N.Y.

The Light WhichShines TooBright j “And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.” (John. 1:5.) . “A few days ago,” writes a Hebrew Christian brother in Germany, “we received a food parcel from you. My wife and three children received it with thankful hearts and with visible joy. When I returned home from my missionary tour visiting Jewish displaced persons, I could still see the radi­ ance and the joy reflected in the faces of my family. “In these days of distress the light of love shines almost too bright for our dimmed eyes. How bright is the light of love which comes from the hearts of believers in the land of America! We greet all Christian friends in the fellowship of our Lord, who helped to prepare such jo y .” A t this Christmas Season and all year round, it is our God-given privilege to bring such joy and light into the hearts and lives of men, women, and children, who for His sake have suffered more than flesh and blood can endure. It is a precious testimony for the undying and ever active love of our Saviour, a testimony of the highest potentiality in our hatred-ridden and sorrow-marred days. Will you help us, for His sake, to bring sustenance to the hungry and weary, tidings of jo y to the sorrowful and afflicted, and the message of salvation to those yearning for His love? You will honor His nativity best by sending your love gifts for His suffering brethren in their hour of testing and trial. The Friends of Israel Missionary and Relief Society, Inc. 728-K Witherspoon Building Philadelphia 7, Pa. Treasurer for Canada: Rev. Bruce Millar, B.A., B.D., Principal, Alma College, St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada Our quarterly magazine, ISRAEL MY GLORY, a specially fine missionary magazine, sent to all contributors and also on request.

1949 JANUARY J. 1949 1 z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 20 21 22 ^4» 85 26 27 28 29J J® &'• OTit

Dr. E. J . Pace Poster Cartoons In Calendar Form A big 12 x 18 in. cartoon calendar with a different cartoon each month. Single copy 35c; 3 copies $1.00; 12 copies $3.50; 25 copies $6.75; 50 copies $11.50.

Dealers, write for quantity discount FAITHFUL WORDS PUBLISHING CO.

2116 S. Jefferson Avenue

St. Louis 4, Mo.

SONGS P R IN T E D ! Hymn-writers attention! We can arrange your songs, or, set music to your poems— and have them printed for you. Our prices are reasonable. Write for information and free samples. STACEY MUSIC P.O. Box 2133 Los Angeles 53, Calif. DR. HYMAN J . APPELMAN wants to send you F R E E a copy of his booklet "The Battle of Armageddon" for each new one-year subscription to the INTERNATIONAL EVANGELIST you order for yourself or another at $1.00 a year, per subscription The INTERNATIONAL EVANGELIST covers the cross-country campaigns of the nation's leading evangelist — DR. HYMAN J . APPELMAN— and carries in each issue sermops and articles as »veil as evangelistic news from around the world. Mail your subscriptions today.................$1.00 CDUNMEUST Winona Lake, Dept. K, Indiana

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Joseph M. Steele, President

Edward J. Griffiths, Esq., Vice President Joseph T. Britan, D.Di, Treas. Howard J. Miekley, Rec. Sec. Victor Buksbazen, B.D., Gen. Sec.

Herbert W. Bieber, D.D. Stanley Kiehl Gambell Walter T. Riemann Theodore Strong Wray

Cooperative Committee G. Allan Fleece, D.D. Richard Orme Flinn, D.D. Graham Gilmer, D.D Norman B. Harrison, D.D. T. Christie Innes, D.D. Harry A. Ironside, Litt.D. Albert Sidney Johnson, D.D. Nye G. Langmade, D.D.

Archer E. Anderson, Th.D George W. Arms, D.D. Louis S. Bauman, D.D. Lome H. Beiden, D.D. O. B. Bottorff Lewis Sperry Chafer, D.D, Northcote Deck, M.D. Walter D. Ferguson, Ph.D

Clarence E. Macartney, D.D. Walter E. McClure, D.D, John H. McComb, D.D. Robert C. McQuilkin, D.D. T. Roland Philips, D.D. Harry Rimmer, D.D. Wilbur M. Smith, D.D. Andrew Telford, D.D.

D E C E M B E R , 1 9 4 8

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