No Houdini ■JX It will be remembered that at the time of his death, the celebrated magi cian, Harry Houdini, promised that if it were possible after death he would communicate with his wife by using a secret formula known only to her. Until she herself died, .Mrs. Houdini repeat edly tried to reach him without success. Recently thirteen magicians seated themselves in a dimly-lighted hotel room in Springfield, Mass., to make one last attempt to communicate with the spirit of Harry Houdini. When the lights were turned on, it was evident that they had failed again. Two sets of locked handcuffs which Houdini had promised to unlock were undisturbed. In the sixteenth chapter of the Gospel of Luke the solemn fact is taught that there is no intercourse between the liv In a recent meeting in Paris, the So cial, Humanitarian and Cultural Com mittee of the United Nations pondered the proposal advanced by Brazil, that, in their declaration on human rights, the statement: “All beings were created in the image and likeness of God” be in cluded. However, due to an objection from Russia, Britain, China, and India, it was decided to leave God out of Article I. “Such a proposal,” said the Russian delegation, “is very much disputed in the Soviet Union.” I n te llig e n t Bible-taught b e lie v e r s gravely wonder how any good can come from a United Nations organization which so consistently dishonors the very name of God. Mosaic Law Again JX It is no secret that there are two widely-differing philosophies in the new Israeli government of Palestine. One is agnostically irreligious and includes most of the younger set. The other con sists of more mature citizens and is strongly orthodox. For instance, Is rael’s Minister of Religion, Judah L. Fishman, asks for a strict enforcement of the Sabbath, adoption of Biblical Law as a basis for Israel’s legal system, and government observance of dietary laws. This is all intensely interesting in the light of prpphetic Scriptures which teach a widespread national swing to careful observance of the centuries-old Mosaic code before the return of Christ. More Confirmation JX Many modern skeptics have lifted unbelieving eyebrows and smiled scorn fully at the Old Testament reference to the unicorn, which is a translation of the Hebrew Reem, and is described as “a rather wild, roaring ox of ferocious character.” “This,” said the critics, “is another proof of the Bible’s mythological origin.” Now Willy Ley, author of The Lungfish, the Dodo and the Unicom, implies that the Scriptures are right again. Geologists have found the bones of such a super-bull, and there is every good reason to believe that it is the D E C E M B E R , 1 9 4 8 ing and the dead. Leave God Out
turers of Chesterfields, are spending money recklessly to furnish; free of charge, brilliant eight-page football pro grams for high school football games. These programs are beautifully and vividly colored, and in the center ap pears a large ad for Chesterfield ciga rettes. Any high school can obtain as many of these programs as desired if they merely agree to use them through out the season. Detailed instructions as to their use are given to the high school athletic departments, with such ex hortations as: “Make your program a real souvenir, one that the students and townspeople will be proud to keep as a permanent remembrance of your games.” The idea behind all this is to place cigarettes in the mouths of the 12 to 17-year-old high school students. More than that, Liggett & Myers Co. con fidently expect 5,000 or more high schools to accept their offer. What n4xt? Plenty for Pleasure JX There is no doubt in the mind of anyone that the United States of Amer^ ica is an exceedingly wealthy nation. A recent glance at the estimated expendi tures for 1947 reveal that for alcoholic beverages a total of more than 9 bil lions was expended; for tobacco, nearly 4 billions; for gambling (1946) approxi mately 12 billions; the cost for crime, 15 billions; for advertising, 4 billions; for jewelry, soft drinks, beauty parlors, 2 billions; and for all church contribu tions, including home and foreign mis sions (1946), pastors’ salaries, "new churches, literature, etc., $1,250,000,000; or less than 1% of the total expendi tures. While the United States government will accept for income deductions a total of 15% for church and charity, the ac tual gifts from Americans reveal only a sad one-tenth of that amount. What is to happen to the nation that is so abundantly blessed *of God, yet cares so little for Him that they give prac tically nothing for His work? Page Five
same as the Biblical unicorn. Its appear ance seems to be identical with the Babylonian pictures sculptured on the Ishtar Gate of that ancient city. To the Uttermost JX A most unusual assignment was that given to Chaplain Henry F. Ger- ecke, U.S.A. It was he who was ap pointed to be the spiritual advisor at Nuernberg, Germany, to the high Nazis on trial for their crimes against human ity. For almost a year, this godly chap lain ministered spiritually to the twenty- one defendents. With a sincere heart and heaven-sent wisdom, almost daily he entered the cells with the simple story of the love of God as manifested in Christ. Generally speaking, the reaction was excellent. Mr. Sauckel, who was the German labor chief, prayed, “God be merciful to me a sinner,” and meant it. Fritsche, Von Schirach and Speer earn estly asked God’s forgiveness for Jesus’ sake. Admiral Raeder became an ardent Bible student. Chief of Staff Keitel, with tears in his voice, said, “May Christ; my Saviour, stand by me all the way.” Some, like Ribbentrop, were courteous, but cool, concerning the Christian faith. Goering, apparently, resisted Christ to the end. Such is the story of the last days of the German war lords. How gracious is God’s provision, en abling these men, whose hands were drenched with human blood, to be given these opportunities to receive the Sav iour who came from Heaven’s glory to save such sinners! Cigs lor Teens JX There is no doubt that cigarette man ufacturers have done a most remarkable (although diabolical) job of selling their product to the women of America. Now they plan to ensnare the school chil dren. The campaign, of course, is ex ceedingly subtle, but very clever. Liggett & Myers Tobacco Company, manufac
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