When preparing fruits that will turn brown when exposed to air (apples, peaches, or pears), dip them in a commercial preparation of ascorbic acid or in lemon juice to prevent the change in color. As an alternative you can add a pinch of citric acid or ascorbic acid to your sugar syrup. In the supermarket, Fruit Fresh® is sold for such a purpose.
Packing and Storing the Food
Pack the food in the appropriate freezer container. Allow 1/2 inch of headspace for dry food and 1 to 2 inches for food covered with liquid. After packing, wipe the top of each package clean. Seal airtight. When filling plastic storage bags, be sure the fruit is covered by the sugar syrup. Remember to "burp" the bag, to expel all of the air before you seal it. This will prevent freezer burn and keep the food from drying out.
Label the container with the date and the name of the product.
Place bags, containers, or jars in the freezer and store at 0°F (18°C) or below.
Be sure that your freezer temperature remains steady. Fluctuation (freeze, thaw, refreeze) in temperature will adversely affect the quality of the food.
Table 1. Preparation and blanch recommendations for commonly frozen vegetables.
Vegetables: young, tender, crisp
Preparation: wash, blanch, chill in ice water
Blanch: boiling water
Cut in desired lengths.
2 - 4 minutes
Beans, string
Cut, slice, or leave whole.
3 - 4 minutes
Beans, lima
Shell, sort, wash.
2 - 4 minutes
Peel stock, trim. Split lengthwise.
3 minutes
Brussels sprouts
Wash well and sort (small, medium, large).
3 - 5 minutes
Cut to medium or coarse shreds.
1.5 minutes
Peel. Cut in slices or dice.
3 minutes
3 minutes (water containing salt)
Soak 30 min. in salt water (4 tsp. salt/gal. water).
Corn, whole kernel
Husk, desilk, blanch, cut from cob.
4 - 5 minutes
Greens, all kinds
Wash well. Discard tough leaves and stems.
2 - 3 minutes
Trim stem – do not break pods.
3 - 4 minutes
Peas, pod
Wash, remove stems and strings.
2 - 3 minutes 1 - 2 minutes
Peas, green, blackeye
Shell, sort, wash.
Summer squash
Wash, cut into 1/2 - inch slices.
3 minutes
Wash, peel, cut into 1/2 - inch cubes.
3 minutes
Table 2. If using sugar syrup, prepare as follows:
Syrup Yield
Light (less sweet)
1 cup
4 cups
4 1/2 cups
1 3/4 cups
4 cups
5 cups
2 3/4 cups
4 cups
5 1/3 cups
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