K4-5 Student Handbook 23-24.docx

PURPOSES OF PA KINDERGARTEN ● To introduce school as a worthwhile and pleasant experience for the child ● To keep the child ever aware of God’s love and His purpose in our lives ● To make the child appreciate his or her own abilities and encourage their desire for learning ● To encourage the child to respect other people and himself or herself ● To help each child learn to listen and follow directions ● To teach the child to use his or her time productively, to make wise decisions, and to assume responsibility for his or her actions ● To teach the social values of courtesy, sharing, and manners ● To help the child learn to work both independently and cooperatively with others ● To introduce the child to basic reading, math, writing, language, social studies, and science concepts ● To offer creative and artistic experiences ● To provide an atmosphere that will inspire each child to look forward to future years in school with happy anticipation and enthusiasm


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