K4-5 Student Handbook 23-24.docx

Teachers’ Lounge

The teachers’ lounge is designed for the teachers to have a place to relax during their break time. Students are NOT allowed in the teacher’s lounge. Please respect their privacy and use the waiting area in the hallway.

Student Cell Phones and Electronic Devices

Cell phones, Apple watches, IPods, Mp3 players, iPads, Kindles, tablets, iWatches, etc. can be a distraction in the classroom and a disruption to the learning process when used inappropriately or without teacher permission. Students caught using devices without permission or for nonacademic approved purposes will suffer the following consequences: First offense – Recess detention and the device will remain in the principal’s care until a parent picks it up. Second offense – the device will remain in the principal’s care until the student, parent, teacher, and principal have a principal-parent-teacher-student conference. In addition, the student will attend in-school suspension (ISS) for one day, with the parent paying the cost for a substitute ($65). Additional offenses - the device will remain in the principal’s care until the student, parent, teacher, and principal have a principal-parent-teacher-student conference. In addition, the student will attend in-school suspension for one day, with the parent paying the cost for a substitute ($65).

Delivery of Personal Items

The office staff will deliver any necessities that are brought to a student such as lunch or a backpack. DO NOT GO TO YOUR CHILD’S CLASSROOM. Pillow Academy will not accept delivery of flowers, balloons, or other favors. Such deliveries should be made to the student’s home.

Use of the Office Telephone

Students should never use the office telephone to make a call without permission from the secretary, principal, or a teacher. Students receiving calls will not be taken out of class unless there is an emergency.


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