K4-5 Student Handbook 23-24.docx

Child Custody

If you have a court order that limits the rights of one parent in matters such as custody or visitation, please bring a copy to the elementary office. Unless your court order is on file with the school, we must provide parental rights allowed by law concerning records, visitation, and information about thechild.

Medical Form

A medical form will be issued for each student. Parents must get the form notarized and returned to the elementary office before ANY medication will be administered at school. This includes over-the-counter and prescription drugs from home. The form will be kept in the student’s cumulative folder. This is a one-time requirement for students in grades K4-5.

Toilet Habits

All children in our K4-K5 program must be able to take care of their own bodily functions. After your child goes to the bathroom, he or she must flush the toilet, clean him or herself, and wash his or her hands. We also expect the child to leave the bathroom clean. Please see that your child can accomplish these skills before he or she starts our program. If there is a major accident, the teacher or assistant will call you at home or at work to come to school, clean your child, and provide clean clothes. Our teachers cannot leave their class to tend to these needs on a regular basis. Children who have frequent accidents will be asked to leave the program until training is completed. We realize that accidents will occasionally occur, and we will be very sensitive with these.


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