K4-5 Student Handbook 23-24.docx


Traffic and Carpool Safety Precautions and Courtesies

1. Always drive carefully and follow the flow of traffic requested by school officials. 2. Have your child’s name tag visible in the front window of your vehicle. If you need more than one name tag, please notify the office. 3. Encourage your child to watch for his or her ride in the afternoon. If he or she rides in a daycare van, help your child learn to identify the van and the name of the driver. 4. If your child rides a van regularly, but for some reason is not going to ride on a particular afternoon, please notify the child’s teacher in writing or email the school office (cmims@pak12.com or mcwilson@pak12.com) and explain what the change will be. This is most important and should be done before 2:00 p.m. if at all possible. 5. A child must go home his or her usual way unless the office is notified by email (cmims@pak12.com or mcwilson@pak12.com). 6. Children who ride in cars are dismissed at 2:40 p.m. You are requested to come for your child or carpool group promptly. Teachers are off-duty at 3:00 p.m. 7. For the safety of our students and teachers on duty, PLEASE put your car in “PARK” when you pick-up students and DO NOT USE CELL PHONES. Your full attention should be directed toward the actions of our students. 8. Always be courteous to others when waiting in the carpool line. Every day there are “first-timers” or visitors who have the misfortune of arriving during carpool time while attempting to get to campus sports events, meetings, etc.

Early Arrivals

Please make arrangements for your child to arrive at school after 7:30 a.m. when a teacher will be on duty. School doors will remain locked until 7:30 a.m. It is extremely dangerous to leave your child in an unsupervised situation.

Arrival for ONLY Kindergarten

The kindergarten building is located on the west side of the elementary building. Please enter through the left fork of the road unless you are also dropping off elementary students. The kindergarten building will open at 7:30 a.m. For your child’s safety, we ask that you wait for the teacher on duty to assist your child from the vehicle.


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