K4-5 Student Handbook 23-24.docx

● Children should always get in and out of vehicles on the right side of the car next to the elementary building. ● If it is necessary to come for a child during school hours, park directly in front of the building. Be sure your engine is turned off and keys are removed from your car. ● If you have scheduled a conference, please park in a designated visitor’s parking space by the triangle area. Please do not block or park in the teachers’ parking spaces as all spaces are assigned and needed. ● Morning carpool is a single line of traffic. ● Please remain in line until the vehicles in front of you move. There is no passing during carpool.

Pick-Up Procedures for ONLY Kindergarten

● In order to make carpool dismissal more efficient, kindergarten departure time is from 2:20-2:40 p.m. It is very important that the kindergarten carpool be completed before the elementary carpool begins at 2:40 p.m. ● Please remain in line until the vehicles in front of you move. There is no passing during carpool. ● Parents who pick-up only kindergarten students may enter through the left fork of the road and proceed to the kindergarten building. A teacher will bring your child to your vehicle. ● If your child is to ride home with anyone other than the regular carpool or daycare van, please send a note to your child’s teacher or email the elementary office cmims@pak12.com or mcwilson@pak12.com) before 2:00 p.m. so the message can be delivered to the teacher before dismissal begins. It is the parent’s responsibility to inform anyone who may pick-up their student(s) of these guidelines.

Pick-Up Procedures for Grades 1 – 5 ONLY

Stay in a single lane of traffic until the 2:40 p.m. bell rings. Then cars nearest the front may begin to form a double line. Cars in back should follow. ● Do NOT form a double line until you pass the intersection inside the gate . This intersection needs to be open for cars leaving campus. ● If you are to pick-up at the elementary only, you may use either line. ● Teachers’ signals will control the traffic and student flow.


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