K4-5 Student Handbook 23-24.docx

Sign-Out Procedures

Parents who come to school to pick-up their student must come by the elementary office to sign him or her out and request that the office staff page the child. Parents are not to go to the classrooms. We pride ourselves in taking every precaution for the safety of our children. Children will not be sent outside to wait for a parent.


If a student arrives at school at any time after 8:00 a.m., they are considered tardy and a parent must sign the student in with the secretary so they will not be counted as an absentee. They will be given an admittance slip to present to their teacher. Any student leaving during the day and returning must also be signed back by a parent through the office.

Change of Rides

Please notify the teacher or the office by 2:00 p.m. if there is a change in your child’s ride. Otherwise, your child must go home his or her usual way. If there is any change in the way your child is going home, please remember to notify the driver of the carpool or daycare.

ATTENDANCE Your child’s success in school depends on having a solid educational background – one that can be attained only through regular school attendance . Children can copy notes and make up assignments, but they can never get back one of the most important aspects of learning: the discussions, the questions, the explanations by the teacher and the thinking that makes learning come alive. Therefore, regular attendance and punctuality is expected of all students. Teachers and students have the right not to have their instruction time interrupted by students who are tardy. Attendance and tardies can be checked on FACTS SIS.


Students arriving after 8:00 a.m. must report to the office to get a tardy pass before going into the classroom. Students arriving more than 20 minutes late will be automatically counted absent. On the 4th tardy, a student’s citizenship grade will be lowered by 1 letter in each class.


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